Saturday, March 20, 2010


Stock Market Basics: Buying & Selling Stocks

Buying and selling stocks can be a very confusing task because there are many things to learn about the stock market basics.

First, one must understand the basics and the foundation of stocks. Stocks are nothing more than parts of ownership in a company. Basically, a company offers stocks to the public to finance their company. Buying stock makes you a shareholder, and in essence, you own part of the company even if you are buying penny stocks.

There are different types of stock that one could buy. First is common stock. Common stock is exactly as it is stated, common, and holds no preferences. When the company offers a dividend, you are entitled to it. The next step up is preferred stock, which means you get a higher priority when it comes to dividends, meaning you get paid first.

Voting / participating stock is also available, where you can vote on issues of the corporation. Stocks of large publicly traded companies are traded on the open market, at such places such as the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, etc. At the New York Stock Exchange, deals are done face to face in person. Prices are determined by an auction format in essence, meaning whoever pays the most, gets the stock. While this is going on, people can sell stocks at that price, and you are actually “trading” stocks. You may never meet the person you are trading with, but in essence that is what happens in two separate transactions.

Stocks can change constantly, due to many different things. It works on supply and demand, meaning if more people want a stock, the stock prices go up, and conversely, less interest equals a lower price. The most common way to purchase a stock are through brokers.

There are in person brokerage companies, such as Merrill Lynch, or you can go online and trade online yourself or through a broker. Online sites such as Scottrade, Etrade, etc let you trade stocks on a real time basis, and only cost a few dollars per trade. Many people may be enticed to buy penny stocks, but those are almost a sure bet to make you lose money.

Overall, there are some basics that were outlined that are important to trading stocks, but to really be successful, there is a bunch more to learn.

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