Friday, November 19, 2010


Harley- Davidson , an 80-year-old U.S. motorcycle manufacturer, suffered such staggering losses in 1981 and 1982 that the future of the company was seriously in question. Some of the external problems were Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Yamaha – four Japanese competitors that had taken most of the market. Harley Davidson's major internal problem was an overpriced product that received numerous customer complaints about quality – a result of what seemed to be a long series of quick fixes to help the company get along. Between 1982 and 1986, the firm made significant improvements. Inventory turnovers increased from less than 7 to about 20 a year. Productivity per employee rose about 50 %, rework cost were reduced by 80 % and warranty costs were down by 46 %.

word list -3

abase :: lower: humiliate
abash :: embarrass
abdicate :: renounce: give up
abhor :: detest
abjure :: renounce upon oath
abominate :: loathe: hate
abrade :: wear away by friction: erode
abrogate :: abolish
abscond :: depart secretly and hide
absolve :: pardon an offense
accelerate :: move faster
accost :: approach and speak first to a person
accoutre :: equip
accrue :: come about by addition
acknowledge :: recognize: admit
actuate :: motivate
adapt :: alter: modify
adduce :: present as evidence
adhere :: stick fast to
admonish :: warn: reprove
adulterate :: make impure by mixing with baser substances
advocate :: urge: plead for
aggrandize :: increase or intensify
agitate :: stir up: disturb
alienate :: make hostile: separate
allay :: calm: pacify
allege :: state without proof
alleviate :: relieve
allocate :: assign
allude :: refer indirectly
amalgamate :: combine; unite in one body
amass :: collect
amble :: move at an easy pace
ameliorate :: improve
amplify :: enlarge
amputate :: cut off part of body; prune
annihilate :: destroy
annul :: make void
appease :: pacify; soothe
append :: attach
appraise :: estimate value of
apprehend :: arrest a criminal; dread; perceive
apprise :: inform
arraign :: charge in court; indict
ascertain :: find out for certain
ascribe :: refer; attribute; assign
assail :: assault
assay :: analyze; evaluate
asseverate :: make a positive statement or solemn declaration
assuage :: ease; lessen pain
attenuate :: make thin; weaken
attest :: testify; bear witness
augment :: increase
authenticate :: prove genuine
aver :: state confidently
avouch :: affirm; proclaim
avow :: declare openly
babble :: chatter idly
badger :: pester; annoy
baffle :: frustrate; perplex
balk :: foil
bate :: let down; restrain
batten :: grow fat; thrive upon others
bedizen :: dress with vulgar finery
bedraggle :: wet thoroughly
beguile :: delude; cheat; amuse
behoove :: suited to; incumbent upon
belabor :: beat soundly; assail verbally
beleaguer :: besiege
berate :: scold strongly
besmirch :: soil; defile
bestow :: confer
betroth :: become engaged to marry
blazon :: decorate with an heraldic coat of arms
bode :: foreshadow; portend
bolster :: support; prop up
broach :: open up
bungle :: spoil by clumsy behavior
burgeon :: grow forth; send out buds
burlesque :: give an imitation that ridicules
burnish :: make shiny by rubbing; polish
cajole :: coax; wheedle
calumniate :: slander
canvass :: determine votes, etc.
caparison :: put showy ornamentation on a horse
capitulate :: surrender
castigate :: punish
cauterize :: burn with hot iron or caustic
cavil :: make frivolous objections
cede :: transfer; yield title to
censure :: blame; criticize
chafe :: warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing
champ :: chew noisily
chastise :: punish
chide :: scold
circumscribe :: limit; confine
circumvent :: outwit; baffle
cite :: quote; commend
clamber :: climb by crawling
cleave :: split asunder
coalesce :: combine; fuse
coerce :: force; repress
cogitate :: think over
cohere :: stick together
collaborate :: work together
collate :: examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order
commandeer :: to draft for military purpose; to take for public use
commiserate :: feel or express pity or sympathy for
comport :: bear one's self; behave
compute :: reckon; calculate
concatenate :: link as in a chain
conciliate :: pacify; win over
concoct :: prepare by combining; make up in concert
condescend :: bestow courtesies with a superior air
condole :: express sympathetic sorrow
condone :: overlook; forgive
confiscate :: seize; commandeer
congeal :: freeze; coagulate
consecrate :: dedicate; sanctify
consort :: associate with
construe :: explain; interpret
contaminate :: pollute
contemn :: regard with contempt; disregard
contravene :: contradict; infringe on
controvert :: oppose with arguments; contradict
convene :: assemble
convoke :: call together
corroborate :: confirm
countermand :: cancel; revoke
cower :: shrink quivering, as from fear
cull :: pick out; reject
curry :: dress; treat leather; seek favor
curtail :: shorten; reduce
dally :: triffle with; procrastinate
daunt :: intimidate
dawdle :: loiter; waste time
debase :: reduce to lower state
debauch :: corrupt; make intemperate
debilitate :: weaken; enfeeble
decant :: pour off gently
decry :: disparage
defalcate :: misuse money held in trust
defile :: pollute; profane
deflect :: turn aside
deign :: condescend
delete :: erase; strike out
delude :: deceive
demean :: degrade; humiliate
demur :: delay; object
depict :: portray
depilate :: remove hair
deplete :: reduce; exhaust
deploy :: bring (forces, arguments, etc.) into effective action
deprecate :: disapprove regretfully
depreciate :: lessen in value
deride :: scoff at
descant :: discuss fully
descry :: catch sight of
desecrate :: profane; violate the sanctity of
desiccate :: dry up
despise :: scorn
despoil :: plunder
deviate :: turn away from
devolve :: deputize; pass to others
dilate :: expand
disclaim :: disown; renounce claim to
discomfit :: put to rout; defeat; disconcert
disconcert :: confuse; upset; embarrass
disdain :: treat with scorn or contempt
disgruntle :: make discontented
dismember :: cut into small parts
disparage :: belittle
disport :: amuse
dissemble :: disguise; pretend
disseminate :: scatter like seeds
dissimulate :: pretend; conceal by feigning
dissipate :: squander
dissuade :: advise against
distend :: expand; swell out
diverge :: vary; go in different directions from the same point
divest :: strip; deprive
divulge :: reveal
doff :: take off
edify :: instruct; correct morally
educe :: draw forth; elicit
efface :: rub out
effervesce :: bubble over; show excitement
elicit :: draw out by discussion
elucidate :: explain; enlighten
emanate :: issue forth
emancipate :: set free
embellish :: adorn
emblazon :: deck in brilliant colors
embroil :: throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle
emend :: correct; correct by a critic
emulate :: rival; imitate
encompass :: surround
encumber :: burden
endue :: provide with some quality; endow
energize :: invigorate; make forceful and active
enervate :: weaken
engender :: cause; produce
engross :: occupy fully
enhance :: advance; improve
enrapture :: please intensely
ensconce :: settle comfortably
enthrall :: capture; enslave
environ :: enclose; surround
equivocate :: lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth
erode :: eat away
eschew :: avoid
evince :: show clearly
evoke :: call forth
exasperate :: vex
exculpate :: clear from blame
exhort :: urge
exhume :: dig out of the ground; remove from a grave
exonerate :: acquit; exculpate
expatiate :: talk at length
expiate :: make amends for a sin
expunge :: cancel; remove
expurgate :: clean; remove offensive parts of a book
extenuate :: weaken mitigate
extirpate :: root up
extol :: praise; glorify
extort :: wring from; get money by threats, etc.
extricate :: free; disentangle
extrude :: force or push out
exude :: discharge; give forth
fabricate :: build; lie
facilitate :: make less difficult
feign :: pretend
ferret :: drive or hunt out of hiding
fester :: generate pus
fete :: honor at a festival
fetter :: shackle
filch :: steal
flagellate :: flog; whip
flail :: thresh grain by hand; strike or slap
flaunt :: display ostentatiously
flay :: strip off skin; plunder
fleck :: spot
flout :: reject; mock
fluster :: confuse
foist :: insert improperly; palm off
foment :: stir up; instigate
foster :: rear; encourage
fritter :: waste
fructify :: bear fruit
frustrate :: thwart; defeat
fulminate :: thunder; explode
gainsay :: deny
galvanize :: stimulate by shock; stir up
gambol :: skip; leap playfully
gape :: open widely
garner :: gather; store up
garnish :: decorate
gibber :: speak foolishly
gibe :: mock
glaze :: cover with a thin and shiny surface
glean :: gather leavings
gloat :: express evil satisfaction; view malevolently
glut :: overstock; fill to excess
goad :: urge on
gorge :: stuff oneself
gouge :: tear out
harrow :: break up ground after plowing; torture
harry :: raid
hibernate :: sleep throughout the winter
imbibe :: drink in
imbue :: saturate; fill
immolate :: offer as a sacrifice
impair :: worsen; diminish in value
impale :: pierce
impeach :: charge with crime in office; indict
importune :: beg earnestly
imprecate :: curse; pray that evil will befall
improvise :: compose on the spur of the moment
impugn :: doubt; challenge; gainsay
incapacitate :: disable
incarcerate :: imprison
incite :: arouse to action
incriminate :: accuse
incubate :: hatch; scheme
inculcate :: teach
indemnify :: make secure against loss; compensate for loss
indenture :: bind as servant or apprentice to master
indict :: charge
indite :: write; compose
infringe :: violate; encroach
ingratiate :: become popular with
inhibit :: prohibit; restrain
insinuate :: hint; imply
instigate :: urge; start; provoke
integrate :: make whole; combine; make into one unit
inter :: bury
intimate :: hint
intrude :: trespass; enter as an uninvited person
inundate :: overflow; flood
inveigle :: lead astray; wheedle
iterate :: utter a second time; repeat
jettison :: throw overboard
lacerate :: mangle; tear
lampoon :: ridicule
languish :: lose animation; lose strength
lave :: wash
limn :: portray; describe vividly
liquidate :: settle accounts; clear up
loathe :: detest
lope :: gallop slowly
macerate :: waste away
maim :: mutilate; injure
malign :: speak evil of; defame
manipulate :: operate with the hands
masticate :: chew
meander :: to wind or turn in its course
mediate :: settle a dispute through the services of an outsider
memorialize :: commemorate
mete :: measure; distribute
militate :: work against
mitigate :: appease
mollify :: soothe
molt :: shed or cast off hair or feathers
mortify :: humiliate; punish the flesh
muddle :: confuse; mix up
mulct :: defraud a person of something
muse :: ponder
mutilate :: maim
nauseate :: cause to become sick; fill with disgust
nettle :: annoy; vex
nurture :: bring up; feed; educate
obfuscate :: confuse; muddle
objurgate :: scold; rebuke severely
obliterate :: destroy completely
obtrude :: push into prominence
obviate :: make unnecessary; get rid of
ogle :: glance coquettishly at; make eyes at
oscillate :: vibrate pendulumlike; waver
ossify :: change or harden into bone
ostracize :: exclude from public favor; ban
palliate :: ease pain; make less guilty of offensive
palpitate :: throb; flutter
pander :: cater to the low desires of others
paraphrase :: restate a passage in one's own words while retaining thought of author
parry :: ward off a blow
peculate :: steal; embezzle
permeate :: pass through; spread
perpetrate :: commit an offense
perturb :: disturb greatly
petrify :: turn to stone
philander :: make love lightly; flirt
pillage :: plunder
pillory :: punish by placing in a wooden frame and subjecting to ridicule
pinion :: restrain
placate :: pacify; conciliate
pommel :: beat
portend :: foretell; presage
prate :: speak foolishly; boast idly
prattle :: babble
precipitate :: throw headlong; hasten
preclude :: make impossible; eliminate
preponderate :: be superior in power; outweigh
presage :: foretell
prevaricate :: lie
procrastinate :: postpone; delay
profane :: violate; desecrate
prognosticate :: predict
promulgate :: make known by official proclamation or publication
propagate :: multiply; spread
propitiate :: appease
propound :: put forth for analysis
prorogue :: dismiss parliament; end officially
proscribe :: ostracize; banish; outlaw
prostrate :: stretch out full on ground
protract :: prolong
protrude :: stick out
pulsate :: throb
purge :: clean by removing impurities; to clear of charges
purloin :: steal
quaff :: drink with relish
quail :: cower; lose heart
quell :: put down; quiet
quibble :: equivocate; play on words
rant :: rave; speak bombastically
rationalize :: reason; justify an improper act
ravage :: plunder; despoil
raze :: destroy completely
recant :: repudiate; withdraw previous statement
recapitulate :: summarize
reciprocate :: repay in kind
reconcile :: make friendly after quarrel; correct inconsistencies
rectify :: correct
recuperate :: recover
reek :: emit odor
regale :: entertain
rehabilitate :: restore to proper condition
reimburse :: repay
reiterate :: repeat
rejuvenate :: make young again
relegate :: banish; consign to inferior position
relinquish :: abandon
relish :: savor; enjoy
remonstrate :: protest
rend :: split; tear apart
render :: deliver; provide; represent
renounce :: abandon; discontinue; disown; repudiate
renovate :: restore to good condition; renew
replenish :: fill up again
reprimand :: reprove severely
repudiate :: disown; disavow
requite :: repay; revenge
rescind :: cancel
resuscitate :: revive
retaliate :: repay in kind usually for bad treatment
retrieve :: recover; find and bring in
reverberate :: echo; resound
revile :: slander; vilify
ruminate :: chew the cud; ponder
rummage :: ransack; thoroughly search
rusticate :: banish to the country; dwell in the country
salvage :: rescue from loss
sate :: satisfy to the full; cloy
satiate :: surfeit; satisfy fully
saturate :: soak
saunter :: stroll slowly
savor :: have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality
scintillate :: sparkle; flash
scuttle :: sink
seethe :: be disturbed; boil
sequester :: retire from public life; segregate; seclude
shackle :: chain; fetter
sheathe :: place into a case
shimmer :: glimmer intermittently
simulate :: feign
skimp :: provide scantily; live very economically
skulk :: move furtively and secretly
slake :: quench; sate
slough :: cast off
spawn :: lay eggs
squander :: waste
stanch :: check flow of blood
stigmatize :: brand; mark as wicked
stymie :: present an obstacle; stump
subjugate :: conquer; bring under control
sublimate :: refine; purify
substantiate :: verify; support
suffuse :: spread over
sully :: tarnish; soil
sunder :: separate; part
supersede :: cause to be set aside; replace
supplicate :: petition humbly; pray to grant a favor
surfeit :: cloy; overfeed
surmise :: guess
swathe :: wrap around; bandage
swelter :: be oppressed by heat
tantalize :: tease; torture with disappointment
temporize :: avoid committing oneself; gain time
tether :: tie with a rope
throttle :: strangle
thwart :: baffle; frustrate
tipple :: drink alcoholic beverages frequently
toady :: flatter for favors
traduce :: expose to slander
transcend :: exceed; surpass
transcribe :: copy
transmute :: change; convert to something different
transpire :: exhale; become known; happen
traverse :: go through or across
trek :: travel; migrate
undulate :: move with a wavelike motion
unearth :: dig up
upbraid :: scold; reproach
validate :: confirm; ratify
veer :: change in direction
vegetate :: live in a monotonous way
venerate :: revere
vent :: express; utter
vie :: contend; compete
vilify :: slander
vindicate :: clear of charges
vitiate :: spoil the effect of; make inoperative
vouchsafe :: grant condescendingly; guarantee
waive :: give up temporarily; yield
wane :: grow gradually smaller
wheedle :: cajole; coax; deceive by flattery
whet :: sharpen; stimulate
wreak :: inflict
wrest :: pull away; take by violence
abut :: border upon; adjoin
accede :: agree
acclimate :: adjust to climate
adjure :: request solemnly
advert :: refer to
anneal :: reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling
annotate :: comment; make explanatory notes
arrogate :: claim without reasonable grounds
assimilate :: absorb; cause to become homogeneous
belittle :: disparage; depreciate
blanch :: bleach; whiten
bowdlerize :: expurgate
compromise :: adjust; endanger the interests or reputation of
coruscate :: glitter; scintillate
cozen :: cheat; hoodwink; swindle
decimate :: kill, usually one out of ten
denigrate :: blacken
disabuse :: correct a false impression; undeceive
enjoin :: command; order; forbid
ensue :: follow
eviscerate :: disembowel; remove entrails
exacerbate :: worsen; embitter
excoriate :: flay; abrade
execrate :: curse; express abhorrence for
exorcise :: drive out evil spirits
flinch :: hesitate; shrink
genuflect :: bend the knee as in worship
germinate :: cause to sprout; sprout
gerrymander :: change voting district lines in order to favor a political party
gestate :: evolve, as in prenatal growth
grovel :: crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate
hew :: cut to pieces with ax or sword
hoodwink :: deceive; delude
hypothecate :: mortgage; pledge as security
imbrue :: drench, stain, especially with blood
immure :: imprison; shut up in confinement
implement :: supply what is needed; furnish with tools
imply :: suggest a meaning not expressed; signify
impute :: attribute; ascribe
incarnadine :: stain crimson or blood-color
infer :: deduce; conclude
interdict :: prohibit; forbid
invalidate :: weaken; destroy
inveigh :: denounce; utter censure or invective
manumit :: emancipate; free from bondage
maunder :: talk incoherently; utter drivel
mesmerize :: hypnotize
nonplus :: bring to a halt by confusion
preempt :: appropriate beforehand
probe :: explore with tools
proselytize :: convert to a religion or belief
ramify :: divide into branches or subdivisions
refurbish :: renovate; make bright by polishing
reprove :: censure; rebuke
scarify :: make slight incisions in; scratch
slither :: slip or slide
stultify :: cause to appear foolish or inconsistent
superimpose :: place over something else
suppurate :: create pus
titillate :: tickle
truckle :: curry favor; act in an obsequious way
truncate :: cut the top off
welter :: wallow

word list -- 2

abettor :: encourager
abeyance :: suspended action
ablution :: washing
abstinence :: restraint from eating or drinking
accessory :: additional object: useful but not essential thing
acclivity :: sharp upslope of a hill
accolade :: award of merit
accomplice :: partner in crime
accord :: agreement
accretion :: growth: increase
acme :: top: pinnacle
acoustics :: science of sound: quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
acquittal :: deliverance from a charge
acumen :: mental keenness
adage :: wise saying: proverb
addiction :: compulsive, habitual need
adjuration :: solemn urging
adulation :: flattery: admiration
adumbration :: foreshadowing: outlining
adversity :: poverty: misfortune
affiliation :: joining: associating with
affinity :: kinship
affirmation :: solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath
affluence :: abundance: wealth
affray :: public brawl
agglomeration :: collection: heap
agility :: nimbleness
agnostic :: one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god
alacrity :: cheerful promptness
alchemy :: medieval chemistry
alias :: an assumed name
alimony :: payment by a husband to his divorced wife
allegory :: story in which characters are used as symbols: fable
alloy :: a mixture as of metals
allusion :: indirect reference
altercation :: wordy quarrel
altruism :: unselfish aid to others; generosity
ambrosia :: food of the gods
amenities :: agreeable manners; courtesies
amnesia :: loss of memory
amnesty :: pardon
amphitheater :: oval building with tiers of seats
amulet :: charm; talisman
analogy :: similarity; parallelism
anarchy :: absence of governing body; state of disorder
anathema :: solemn curse
andirons :: metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs
anemia :: condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles
anesthetic :: substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness
animadversion :: critical remark
animosity :: active enmity
annals :: records; history
annuity :: yearly allowance
anomaly :: irregularity
antagonism :: active resistance
anthropologist :: a student of the history and science of mankind
anticlimax :: letdown in thought or emotion
antipathy :: aversion; dislike
antiseptic :: substance that prevents infection
antithesis :: contrast; direct opposite of or to
aperture :: opening; hole
apex :: tip; summit; climax
aphorism :: pithy maxim
aplomb :: poise
apogee :: highest point
apostate :: one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
apothecary :: druggist
apothegm :: pithy, compact saying
apotheosis :: deification; glorification
apparition :: ghost; phantom
appellation :: name; title
appurtenances :: subordinate possessions
aptitude :: fitness; talent
arbiter :: a person with power to decide a dispute; judge
arcade :: a covered passageway, usually lined with shops
archaeology :: study of artifacts and relics of early mankind
archipelago :: group of closely located islands
ardor :: heat; passion; zeal
argot :: slang
arrogance :: haughtiness
artifacts :: products of primitive culture
artifice :: deception; trickery
artisan :: a manually skilled worker
asceticism :: doctrine of self-denial
asperity :: sharpness of temper
aspersion :: slanderous remark
aspirant :: seeker after position or status
aspiration :: noble ambition
asteroid :: small planet
atrocity :: brutal deed
atrophy :: wasting away
attribute :: essential quality
attrition :: gradual wearing down
audacity :: boldness
audit :: examination of accounts
augury :: omen; prophecy
austerity :: sternness; severity
autocrat :: monarch with supreme power
automaton :: mechanism which imitates actions of humans
autopsy :: examination of a dead body; postmortem
avarice :: greediness for wealth
awe :: solemn wonder
axiom :: self-evident truth requiring no proof
bandanna :: large, bright-colored handkerchief
barb :: sharp projection from fishhook, etc.
barrage :: barrier laid down by artillery fire
barrister :: counselor-at-law
barterer :: trader
bauble :: trinket; trifle
benediction :: blessing
benefactor :: gift giver; patron
beneficiary :: person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will
bete noire :: aversion; person or thing strongly disliked or avoided
bigotry :: stubborn intolerance
bivouac :: temporary encampment
blandishment :: flattery
bludgeon :: club; heavy-headed weapon
bouillon :: clear beef soup
bourgeois :: middle class
braggadocio :: boasting
bravado :: swagger; assumed air of defiance
brazier :: open pan in which live coals are burned
breach :: breaking of contract or duty; fissure; gap
brevity :: conciseness
brocade :: rich, figured fabric
brochure :: pamphlet
brooch :: ornamental clasp
buffoonery :: clowning
bullion :: gold and silver in the form of bars
bulwark :: earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends
buttress :: support or prop
cabal :: small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
cache :: hiding place
cacophony :: discord
cadaver :: corpse
caliber :: ability; capacity
calumny :: malicious misrepresentation; slander
cameo :: shell or jewel carved in relief
canard :: unfounded rumor; exaggerated report
candor :: frankness
canker :: any ulcerous sore; any evil
cant :: jargon of thieves; pious phraseology
cantata :: story set to music, to be sung by a chorus
canter :: slow gallop
canto :: division of a long poem
caparison :: showy harness or ornamentation for a horse
caprice :: whim
caption :: title; chapter heading; text under illustration
carat :: unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold
caricature :: distortion; burlesque
carmine :: rich red
carnage :: destruction of life
carousal :: drunken revel
carrion :: rotting flesh of a dead body
carte blanche :: unlimited authority or freedom
cascade :: small waterfall
casualty :: serious or fatal accident
cataclysm :: deluge; upheaval
catapult :: slingshot; a hurling machine
catastrophe :: calamity
catechism :: book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer
cathartic :: purgative
cavalcade :: procession; parade
censor :: overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remark
centaur :: mythical figure, half man and half horse
centurion :: Roman army officer
cerebration :: thought
cessation :: stopping
cession :: yielding to another; ceding
chagrin :: vexation; disappointment
chalice :: goblet; consecrated cup
chameleon :: lizard that changes color in different situations
charisma :: divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader
charlatan :: quack; pretender to knowledge
chasm :: abyss
chassis :: framework and working parts of an automobile
chattel :: personal property
chauvinist :: blindly devoted patriot
chicanery :: trickery
chiropodist :: one who treats disorders of the feet
circlet :: small ring; band
citadel :: fortress
clairvoyant :: fortuneteller
claustrophobia :: fear of being locked in
clavicle :: collarbone
cleft :: split
clemency :: disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather
cliché :: phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
clique :: small exclusive group
cloister :: monastery or convent
coadjutor :: assistant; colleague
cockade :: decoration worn on hat
cog :: tooth projecting from a wheel
cognizance :: knowledge
cognomen :: family name
cohesion :: force which keeps parts together
cohorts :: armed band
collateral :: security given for loan
collation :: a light meal
collier :: worker in coal mine; ship carrying coal
colloquy :: informal discussion
collusion :: conspiring in a fraudulent scheme
comestible :: something fit to be eaten
comity :: courtesy; civility
compact :: agreement; contract
compilation :: listing of statistical information in tabular or book form
complement :: that which completes
compunction :: remorse
conception :: beginning; forming of an idea
conclave :: private meeting
concomitant :: that which accompanies
condiments :: seasonings; spices
conformity :: harmony; agreement
conglomeration :: mass of material sticking together
congruence :: correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship
conifer :: pine tree; cone-bearing tree
connivance :: pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance
connoisseur :: person competent to act as a judge of art, etc; a lover of an art
connotation :: suggested or implied meaning of an expression
consanguinity :: kinship
consensus :: general agreement
constraint :: compulsion; repression of feelings
context :: writings preceding and following the passage quoted
continence :: self-restraint; sexual chastity
contortions :: twistings; distortions
contraband :: illegal trade; smuggling
contumely :: scornful insolence; insult
contusion :: bruise
conveyance :: vehicle; transfer
coquette :: flirt
cornice :: projecting molding on building usually above columns
corsair :: pirate; pirate ship
cortege :: procession
coterie :: group that meets socially; select circle
counterpart :: a thing that completes another; things very much alike
covenant :: agreement
credence :: belief
credulity :: belief on slight evidence
creed :: system of religious or ethical belief
crevice :: crack; fissure
criterion :: standard used in judging
crone :: hag
crux :: crucial point
cuisine :: style of cooking
culmination :: attainment of highest point
cupidity :: greed
cynic :: one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives
dais :: raised platform for guests of honor
dastard :: coward
dearth :: scarcity
debutante :: young woman making formal entrance into society
decadence :: decay
declivity :: downward slope
decoy :: lure or bait
defamation :: harming a person's reputation
default :: failure to do
defection :: desertion
deference :: courteous regard for another's wish
delineation :: portrayal
delirium :: mental disorder marked by confusion
delusion :: false belief; hallucination
demagogue :: person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people
demeanor :: behavior; bearing
demise :: death
demolition :: destruction
denizen :: inhabitant of
deposition :: testimony under oath
depravity :: corruption; wickedness
depredation :: plundering
derision :: ridicule
dermatologist :: one who studies the skin and its diseases
despotism :: tyranny
desuetude :: disused condition
detergent :: cleansing agent
detonation :: explosion
detraction :: slandering; aspersion
detriment :: harm; damage
diadem :: crown
dialectic :: art of debate
dichotomy :: branching into two parts
dictum :: authoritative and weighty statement
diffidence :: shyness
diffusion :: wordiness; spreading in all directions like a gas
dilapidation :: ruin because of neglect
dilemma :: problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives
dilettante :: aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler
diminution :: lessening; reduction in size
dint :: means; effort
dipsomaniac :: on who has a strong craving for intoxicating liquor
disavowal :: denial; disclaiming
discretion :: prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances
disparity :: difference; condition of inequality
dispersion :: scattering
disquisition :: a formal systematic inquiry
dissection :: analysis; cutting apart in order to examine
dissertation :: formal essay
dissonance :: discord
dissuasion :: advice against
distortion :: twisting out of shape
diva :: operatic singer; prima donna
diversity :: variety; dissimilitude
divination :: foreseeing the future with aid of magic
docket :: program as for trial; book where such entries are made
doggerel :: poor verse
dolt :: stupid person
domicile :: home
dotage :: senility
dregs :: sediment; worthless residue
dross :: waste matter; worthless impurities
drudgery :: menial work
duplicity :: double-dealing; hypocrisy
duress :: forcible restraint, especially unlawfully
eccentricity :: oddity; idiosyncrasy
ecstasy :: rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion
efficacy :: power to produce desired effect
effigy :: dummy
effrontery :: shameless boldness
effusion :: pouring forth
egoism :: excessive interest in one's self
egotism :: conceit; vanity
egress :: exit
ejaculation :: exclamation
elation :: a rise in spirits; exaltation
embezzlement :: stealing
emetic :: substance causing vomiting
emolument :: salary; compensation
enclave :: territory enclosed within an alien land
encroachment :: gradual intrusion
endearment :: fond statement
endive :: species of leafy plant used in salads
enigma :: puzzle
ennui :: boredom
enormity :: hugeness (in a bad sense)
entity :: real being
entree :: entrance
entrepreneur :: businessman; contractor
epicure :: connoisseur of food and drink
epicurean :: person who devotes himself to pleasure of the senses
epigram :: witty thought or saying, usually short
epilogue :: short speech at conclusion of dramatic work
epitaph :: inscription in memory of a dead person
epithet :: descriptive word or phrase
epitome :: summary; concise abstract
epoch :: period of time
equanimity :: calmness of temperament
equestrian :: rider on horseback
equinox :: period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn
equipage :: horse-drawn carriage
equity :: fairness; justice
escapade :: prank; flighty conduct
escutcheon :: shield-shaped surface on which coat of arms is placed
espionage :: spying
esprit de corps :: comradeship; spirit
eulogy :: praise
euphemism :: mild expression in place of an unpleasant one
ewer :: water pitcher
exaction :: exorbitant demand; extortion
exchequer :: treasury
exigency :: urgent situation
exodus :: departure
expatriate :: exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land
expediency :: that which is advisable or practical
expostulation :: remonstrance
extradition :: surrender of prisoner by one state to another
extrovert :: person interested mostly in external objects and actions
facade :: front of the building
facet :: small plane surface of a gem; a side
faction :: party; clique; dissension
factotum :: handyman; person who does all kinds of work
fanaticism :: excessive zeal
fancier :: breeder or dealer of animals
fatalism :: belief that events are determined by forces beyond one's control
fauna :: animals of a period or region
faux pas :: an error or slip in manners or behavior
fealty :: loyalty; faithfulness
fecundity :: fertility; fruitfulness
feint :: trick; shift; sham blow
ferment :: agitation; commotion
fervor :: glowing ardor
fetish :: object supposed to possess magical powers; an object of special devoti
fiasco :: total failure
fiat :: command
fidelity :: loyalty
figment :: invention; imaginary thing
finale :: conclusion
finesse :: delicate skill
fissure :: crevice
flair :: talent
flick :: light stroke as with a whip
flippancy :: trifling gaiety
flora :: plants of a region or era
flotilla :: small fleet
flotsam :: drifting wreckage
fluctuation :: wavering
fluency :: smoothness of speech
flux :: flowing; series of changes
foible :: weakness; slight fault
foray :: raid
forbearance :: patience
foreboding :: premonition of evil
forte :: strong point of special talent
fortitude :: bravery; courage
frailty :: weakness
franchise :: right granted by authority
fray :: brawl
freebooter :: buccaneer
fresco :: painting on plaster (usually fresh)
freshet :: sudden flood
friction :: clash in opinion; rubbing against
frieze :: ornamental band on a wall
frugality :: thrift
fruition :: bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization
functionary :: official
furor :: frenzy; great excitement
fusion :: union; coalition
gadfly :: animal-biting fly; an irritating person
gaff :: hook; barbed fishing spear
galleon :: large sailing ship
gamester :: gambler
gamut :: entire range
garrulity :: talkativeness
gauntlet :: leather glove
gazette :: official periodical publication
generality :: vague statement
geniality :: cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy
genre :: style of art illustrating scenes of common life
gentility :: those of gentle birth; refinement
gentry :: people of standing; class of people just below nobility
gesticulation :: motion; gesture
gibbet :: gallows
gig :: two-wheeled carriage
gist :: essence
gloaming :: twilight
gnome :: dwarf; underground spirit
gourmand :: epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
haughtiness :: pride; arrogance
hauteur :: haughtiness
hawser :: large rope
hedonism :: belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life
heresy :: opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted relig
heretic :: person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the church
hermitage :: home of hermit
hiatus :: gap; pause
hierarchy :: body divided into ranks
hieroglyphic :: picture writing
hilarity :: boisterous mirth
hireling :: one who serves for hire (usually contemptuously)
hogshead :: large barrel
holocaust :: destruction by fire
holster :: pistol case
homily :: sermon; serious warning
hostelry :: inn
hubbub :: confused uproar
humility :: humbleness of spirit
humus :: substance formed by decaying vegetable matter
hybrid :: mongrel; mixed breed
hypochondriac :: person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about il
ideology :: ideas of a group people
idiom :: special usage in language
idiosyncrasy :: peculiarity; eccentricity
idolatry :: worship of idols; excessive admiration
illusion :: misleading vision
imbecility :: weakness of mind
imbroglio :: a complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement
immobility :: state of being immovable
impasse :: predicament from which there is no escape
imperturbability :: calmness
impetus :: moving force
impiety :: irreverence; wickedness
implication :: that which is hinted at or suggested
import :: significance
impropriety :: state of being inappropriate
impunity :: freedom from punishment
imputation :: charge; reproach
inadvertence :: oversight; carelessness
incendiary :: arsonist
incentive :: spur; motive
incongruity :: lack of harmony; absurdity
incredulity :: a tendency to disbelief
increment :: increase
incubus :: burden; mental care; nightmare
incumbent :: officeholder
incursion :: temporary invasion
indignity :: offensive or insulting treatment
indolence :: laziness
inference :: conclusion drawn from data
infirmity :: weakness
influx :: flowing into
infraction :: violation
ingrate :: ungrateful person
inkling :: hint
innovation :: change; introduction off something new
innuendo :: hint; insinuation
insolvency :: bankruptcy; lack of ability to repay debts
insomnia :: wakefulness; inability to sleep
integrity :: wholeness; purity; uprightness
intellect :: higher mental powers
intelligentsia :: the intelligent and educated classes (often used derogatorily)
interim :: meantime
interment :: burial
intimidation :: fear
introvert :: one who is introspective
intuition :: power of knowing without reasoning
invective :: abuse
inviolability :: security from being destroyed, corrupted or profaned
iota :: very small quantity
jargon :: language used by special group; gibberish
jeopardy :: exposure to death or danger
jingoism :: extremely aggressive and militant patriotism
jubilation :: rejoicing
junket :: a merry feast or picnic
junta :: group of men joined in political intrigue; cabal
ken :: range of knowledge
kiosk :: summerhouse; open pavilion
kismet :: fate
kith :: familiar friends
kleptomaniac :: person who has a compulsive desire to steal
knavery :: rascality
knell :: tolling of a bell at a funeral; sound of the funeral bell
knoll :: little round hill
labyrinth :: maze
lackey :: footman; toady
lagniappe :: trifling present given to a customer
lagoon :: shallow body of water near a sea; lake
laity :: laymen; persons not connected with the clergy
lapidary :: worker in precious stones
largess :: generous gift
lassitude :: languor; weariness
latitude :: freedom from narrow limitations
lesion :: unhealthy change in structure; injury
levity :: lightness
lexicon :: dictionary
liaison :: officer who acts as go-between for two armies
libertine :: debauched person; roué
libretto :: text of an opera
lieu :: instead of
litigation :: lawsuit
lode :: metal-bearing vein
longevity :: long life
lout :: clumsy person
lucre :: money
luster :: shine; gloss
machinations :: schemes
madrigal :: pastoral song
maelstrom :: whirlpool
magnate :: person of prominence or influence
magnitude :: greatness; extent
malediction :: curse
malefactor :: criminal
malingerer :: one who feigns illness to escape duty
mall :: public walk
manifesto :: declaration; statement of policy
marauder :: raider; intruder
marrow :: soft tissue filling the bones
martinet :: strict disciplinarian
matricide :: murder of a mother by a child
matrix :: mold or die
mausoleum :: monumental tomb
maxim :: proverb; a truth pithily stated
meditation :: reflection; thought
medley :: mixture
melee :: fight
memento :: token; reminder
mendicant :: beggar
mentor :: teacher
meringue :: pastry decoration made of white of eggs
mesa :: high, flat-topped hill
metamorphosis :: change of form
metropolis :: large city
mettle :: courage; spirit
mews :: group of stables built around a courtyard
mien :: demeanor; bearing
mirage :: unreal reflection; optical illusion
misadventure :: mischance; ill luck
misanthrope :: one who hates mankind
misapprehension :: error; misunderstanding
miscegenation :: intermarriage between races
miscellany :: mixture of writing on various subjects
mischance :: ill luck
miscreant :: wretch; villain
misdemeanor :: minor crime
misgivings :: doubts
mishap :: accident
misnomer :: wrong name; incorrect designation
misogynist :: hater of women
missile :: object to be thrown or projected
mite :: very small object or creature; small coin
mode :: prevailing style
modicum :: limited quantity
modulation :: toning down; changing from one key to another
moiety :: half; part
moodiness :: fits of depression or gloom
mores :: customs
mortician :: undertaker
mote :: small speck
motif :: theme
mountebank :: charlatan; boastful pretender
multiplicity :: state of being numerous
murkiness :: darkness; gloom
myriad :: very large number
nadir :: lowest point
naïveté :: quality of being unsophisticated
natation :: swimming
nave :: main body of a church
necrology :: obituary notice; list of the dead
necromancy :: black magic; dealings with the dead
negation :: denial
nemesis :: revenging agent
neophyte :: recent convert; beginner
nepotism :: favoritism to a relative
nexus :: connection
nib :: beak; pen point
nicety :: precision; minute distinction
nonchalance :: indifference; lack of interest
nonentity :: nonexistence; person of no importance
non sequitor :: a conclusion that does not follow from the facts stated
nosegay :: fragrant bouquet
nostalgia :: homesickness; longing for the past
novice :: beginner
numismatist :: person who collects coins
oaf :: stupid, awkward person
obeisance :: bow
obelisk :: tall column tapering and ending in a pyramid
obituary :: death notice
obliquity :: departure from right principle; perversity
oblivion :: forgetfulness
obloquy :: slander; disgrace; infamy
obsession :: fixed idea; continued brooding
oculist :: physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
oligarchy :: government by a few
onomatopoeia :: words formed in imitation of natural sounds
onslaught :: vicious assault
opiate :: sleep producer; deadener of pain
optician :: maker and seller of eyeglasses
optometrist :: one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects
opulence :: wealth
oratorio :: dramatic poem set to music
ordinance :: decree
orifice :: mouthlike opening; small opening
ornithologist :: scientific student of birds
pacifist :: one opposed to force; antimilitarist
paean :: song of praise or joy
palaver :: discussion; misleading speech; chatter
palette :: board on which painter mixes pigments
pallet :: small, poor bed
panacea :: cure-all; remedy for all diseases
pandemonium :: wild tumult
panegyric :: formal praise
panorama :: comprehensive view; unobstructed view in all directions
pantomime :: acting without dialogue
papyrus :: ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
parable :: short, simple story teaching a moral
paradox :: statement that looks false but is actually correct
paragon :: model of perfection
parallelism :: state of being parallel; similarity
paranoia :: chronic form of insanity marked by delusions grandeur
paraphernalia :: equipment; odds and ends
parasite :: animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant
paregoric :: medicine that eases pain
pariah :: social outcast
parlance :: language; idiom
parley :: conference
parody :: humorous imitation; travesty
paroxysm :: fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage
parricide :: person who murders his own father; murder of a father
partiality :: inclination; bias
parvenu :: upstart; newly rich person
pathos :: tender sorrow; pity
patriarch :: father and ruler of a family or tribe
patricide :: person who murders his father; murder of a father
patrimony :: inheritance from father
paucity :: scarcity
peccadillo :: slight offense
pedagogue :: teacher; dull and formal teacher
pediatrician :: expert in children's diseases
pelf :: stolen property; money or wealth in a contemptuous sense
penance :: self-imposed punishment for sin
penchant :: strong inclination; liking
penumbra :: partial shadow in an eclipse
penury :: extreme poverty
percussion :: striking one object against another sharply
perdition :: damnation; complete ruin
perfidy :: violation of a trust
perimeter :: outer boundary
periphery :: edge, especially of a round surface
perjury :: false testimony while under oath
persiflage :: flippant conversation; banter
perturbation :: agitation
perusal :: reading
perversion :: corruption; turning from right to wrong
perversity :: stubborn maintenance of a wrong cause
pessimism :: belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess
phial :: small bottle
philanthropist :: lover of mankind; doer of good
philistine :: narrow-minded person; uncultured person
philology :: study of language
physiognomy :: face
pinnacle :: peak
pique :: irritation; resentment
pittance :: a small allowance or wage
plagiarism :: theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original
platitude :: trite remark; commonplace statement
plethora :: excess; overabundance
podiatrist :: doctor who treats ailments of the feet
podium :: pedestal; raised platform
poltroon :: coward
polygamist :: one who has more than one spouse at a time
portent :: sign; omen; forewarning
posterity :: descendants; future generations
postulate :: self-evident truth
potentate :: monarch; sovereign
potion :: dose of liquid
potpourri :: heterogeneous mixture; medley
poultice :: soothing application applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body
preamble :: introductory statement
precedent :: something preceding in time
precept :: practical rule guiding conduct
precursor :: forerunner
predilection :: partiality; preference
prelude :: introduction; forerunner
premonition :: forewarning
presentiment :: premonition; foreboding
presumption :: arrogance; effrontery
probity :: uprightness; incorruptibility
proboscis :: long snout; nose
proclivity :: inclination; natural tendency
profusion :: lavish expenditure; overabundant condition
progenitor :: ancestor
progeny :: children; offspring
prognosis :: forecasted course of a disease; prediction
promontory :: headland
propensity :: natural inclination
propriety :: fitness; correct conduct
prosody :: the art of versification
protégé :: person under the protection and support of a patron
protocol :: diplomatic etiquette
provender :: dry food; fodder
proviso :: stipulation
provocation :: cause for anger or retaliation
proximity :: nearness
proxy :: authorized agent
pseudonym :: pen name
psyche :: soul; mind
psychiatrist :: a doctor who treats mental diseases
pulchritude :: beauty; comeliness
purgatory :: place of spiritual expiation
purport :: intention; meaning
purveyor :: furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer
purview :: scope
pyromaniac :: person with an insane desire to set things on fire
quack :: charlatan; impostor
qualms :: misgivings
quandary :: dilemma
quay :: dock; landing place
quietude :: tranquillity
quintessence :: purest and highest embodiment
quip :: taunt
quirk :: startling twist; caprice
qui vie :: wide awake; expectant
ragamuffin :: person wearing tattered clothes
ramification :: branching out; subdivision
ramp :: slope; inclined plane
rancor :: bitterness; hatred
rapprochement :: reconciliation
ratiocination :: reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises
realm :: kingdom; sphere
rebate :: discount
recession :: withdrawal; retreat
recipient :: receiver
recluse :: hermit
reconnaissance :: survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering
recourse :: resorting to help when in trouble
recreant :: coward; betrayer of faith
recrimination :: countercharges
rectitude :: uprightness
redress :: remedy; compensation
refection :: slight refreshment
refectory :: dinning hall
refraction :: bending of a ray of light
refutation :: disproof of opponents' arguments
regatta :: boat or yacht race
regeneration :: spiritual rebirth
regime :: method or system of government
regimen :: prescribed diet and habits
relevancy :: pertinence; reference to the case in hand
reminiscence :: recollection
remnant :: remainder
rendezvous :: meeting place
renegade :: deserter; apostate
renunciation :: giving up; renouncing
reparation :: amends; compensation
repartee :: clever reply
repercussion :: rebound; reverberation; reaction
repertoire :: list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to presen
replica :: copy
repository :: storehouse
reprieve :: temporary stay
reprisal :: retaliation
reprobation :: severe disapproval
repugnance :: loathing
requiem :: mass for the dead; dirge
requisite :: necessary requirement
rescission :: abrogation; annulment
respite :: delay in punishment; interval of relief; rest
restitution :: reparation; indemnification
reticence :: reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to be silent
retinue :: following; attendants
retraction :: withdrawal
retribution :: vengeance; compensation; punishment for offenses
revelry :: boisterous merrymaking
reverie :: daydream; musing
revulsion :: sudden violent change of feeling; reaction
rhetoric :: art of effective communication; insincere language
rift :: opening; break
rigor :: severity
rime :: white frost
rostrum :: platform for speech-making; pulpit
rote :: repetition
rotundity :: roundness; sonorousness of speech
rubble :: fragments
ruse :: trick; stratagem
saga :: Scandinavian myth; any legend
sangfroid :: coolness in a trying situation
satiety :: condition of being crammed full; glutted state; repletion
savant :: scholar
savoir faire :: tact; poise; sophistication
scavenger :: collector and disposer of refuse; animal that devours carrion
schism :: division; split
scintilla :: shred; least bit
scion :: offspring
scourge :: lash; whip; severe punishment
scullion :: menial kitchen worker
secession :: withdrawal
seine :: net for catching fish
semblance :: outward appearance; guise
senility :: old age; feeblemindedness of old age
sepulcher :: tomb
serendipity :: gift for finding valuable things not searched for
serenity :: calmness; placidity
severance :: division; partition; separation
shambles :: slaughterhouse; scene of carnage
sheaf :: bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together
sherbet :: flavored dessert ice
shibboleth :: watchword; slogan
shoal :: shallow place
silt :: sediment deposited by running water
simile :: comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as
sinecure :: well-paid position with little responsibility
sloth :: laziness
sluggard :: lazy person
sobriety :: soberness
sojourn :: temporary stay
solecism :: construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically
soliloquy :: talking to oneself
solstice :: point at which the sun is farthest from the equator
somnambulist :: sleepwalker
soupcon :: suggestion; hint; taste
spangle :: small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
stamina :: strength; staying power
statute :: law
stein :: beer mug
stint :: supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work
stipend :: pay for services
stoic :: person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain
stratagem :: deceptive scheme
stricture :: critical comments; severe and adverse criticism
stupor :: state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
suavity :: urbanity; polish
subaltern :: subordinate
subsistence :: existence; means of support; livelihood
subterfuge :: pretense; evasion
subtlety :: nicety; cunning; guile; delicacy
succor :: aid; assistance; relief
summation :: act of finding the total; summary
superfluity :: excess; overabundance
surcease :: cessation
surveillance :: watching; guarding
sustenance :: means of support, food, nourishment
synthesis :: combining parts into a whole
talisman :: charm
tantrum :: fit of petulance; caprice
tedium :: boredom; weariness
temerity :: boldness; rashness
tempo :: speed of music
tenet :: doctrine; dogma
tenure :: holding of an office; time during which such an office is held
terminus :: last stop of railroad
theocracy :: government of a community by religious leaders
thrall :: slave; bondage
threnody :: song of lamentation; dirge
throes :: violent anguish
timidity :: lack of self-confidence or courage
tirade :: extended scolding; denunciation
tithe :: tax of one-tenth
toga :: Roman outer robe
tome :: large volume
topography :: physical features of a region
torso :: trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk
tract :: pamphlet; a region of indefinite size
tranquillity :: calmness; peace
transgression :: violation of a law; sin
transition :: going from one state of action to another
travail :: painful labor
travesty :: comical parody; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous
treatise :: article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
tremor :: trembling; slight quiver
trepidation :: fear; trembling agitation
tribulation :: distress; suffering
tribunal :: court of justice
tribute :: tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect
trident :: three-pronged spear
trilogy :: group of three works
troth :: pledge of good faith especially in betrothal
truism :: self-evident truth
trumpery :: objects that are showy, valueless, deceptive
tryst :: meeting
tumbrel :: a farm tipcart
turbulence :: state of violent agitation
turnkey :: jailer
turpitude :: depravity
tutelage :: guardianship; training
tyro :: beginner; novice
ultimatum :: last demand; warning
umbrage :: resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult
unanimity :: complete agreement
unction :: the act of anointing with oil
unguent :: ointment
unison :: unity of pitch; complete accord
usury :: lending money at illegal rates of interest
vacillation :: fluctuation; wavering
vagary :: caprice; whim
vanguard :: forerunners; advance forces
vantage :: position giving an advantage
vellum :: parchment
veneer :: thin layer; cover
vent :: a small opening; outlet
verbiage :: pompous array of words
verdigris :: a green coating on copper which has been exposed to the weather
verity :: truth; reality
vertex :: summit
vertigo :: dizziness
vestige :: trace; remains
viand :: food
vicissitude :: change of fortune
victuals :: food
vigilance :: watchfulness
viper :: poisonous snake
virago :: shrew
virtuoso :: highly skilled artist
virus :: disease communicator
visage :: face; appearance
vogue :: popular fashion
volition :: act of making a conscious choice
votary :: follower of a cult
whit :: smallest speck
witticism :: witty saying; facetious remark
wizardry :: sorcery; magic
wont :: custom; habitual procedure
wraith :: ghost; phantom of a living person
zealot :: fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal
zenith :: point directly overhead in the sky; summit
zephyr :: gentle breeze; west wind
aberration :: wandering or staying away; in optics, failure of rays to focus
abnegation :: repudiation; self-sacrifice
acerbity :: bitterness of speech and temper
acquiescence :: submission; compliance
adjunct :: something attached to but holding an inferior position
admonition :: warning
advent :: arrival
aegis :: shield; defense
aeon :: long period of time; an age
affidavit :: written statement made under oath
afflatus :: inspiration
agenda :: items of business at a meeting
agitation :: strong feeling; excitement
agronomist :: scientist engaged in the management of land
alliteration :: repetition of beginning sound in poetry
amazon :: female warrior
amortization :: act of reducing a debt through partial payments
anachronism :: an error involving time in a story
animus :: hostile feeling or intent
aphasia :: loss of speech due to injury
apiary :: a place where bees are kept
apologue :: moral fable
archetype :: prototype; primitive pattern
archives :: public records; place where public records are kept
arroyo :: gully
astigmatism :: eye defect which prevents proper focus
atavism :: resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents
atelier :: workshop; studio
aureole :: sun's corona; halo
auscultation :: act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalities
avatar :: incarnation
avocation :: secondary or minor occupation
bassoon :: reed instrument of the woodwind family
benignity :: state of being kind, benign, gracious
benison :: blessing
bereavement :: state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved
billingsgate :: vituperation; abusive language
breviary :: book containing the daily prayers
bugaboo :: bugbear; object of baseless terror
bureaucracy :: government by bureaus
buskin :: thick-soled half boot worn by actors of Greek tragedy
calligraphy :: beautiful writing; excellent penmanship
carafe :: glass water bottle; decanter
carillon :: a set of bells capable of being played
cartographer :: maker of maps or charts
caryatid :: sculptured column of a female figure
caste :: one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
casuistry :: subtle or sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute distinctions
catalyst :: agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unchanged
caucus :: private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine
celerity :: speed; rapidity
chiromancy :: art of telling fortunes by reading the hand; palmistry
choreography :: art of dancing
circumlocution :: indirect or roundabout expression
codicil :: supplement to the body of a will
colander :: utensil with perforated bottom used for straining
compendium :: brief comprehensive summary
complicity :: participation; involvement
conch :: large seashell
concordat :: agreement, usually between the papal authority and the secular
conduit :: aqueduct; passageway for fluids
conjecture :: surmise; guess
cordon :: extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress
cormorant :: greedy, rapacious bird
correlation :: mutual relationship
credo :: creed
crescendo :: increase in the volume of sound in a musical passage
cruet :: small glass bottle for vinegar, oil, etc.
crypt :: secret recess or vault, usually used for burial
cubicle :: small chamber used for sleeping
cul-de-sac :: blind alley; trap
culvert :: artificial channel for water
curator :: superintendent; manager
curmudgeon :: churlish, miserly individual
cynosure :: the object of general attention
debacle :: breaking up; downfall
debenture :: bond issued to secure a loan
decrepitude :: state of collapse caused by illness or old age
demesne :: domain; land over which a person has full sovereignty
denotation :: meaning; distinguishing by name
denouement :: outcome; final development of the plot of a play
desideratum :: that which is desired
diatribe :: bitter scolding; invective
dishabille :: in a state of undress
duenna :: attendant of young female; chaperone
durance :: restraint; imprisonment
éclat :: brilliance; glory
eclecticism :: selection of elements from various sets of opinions or systems
effluvium :: noxious smell
emendation :: correction of errors; improvement
emollient :: soothing or softening remedy
encomium :: praise; eulogy
entomology :: study of insects
erudition :: high degree of knowledge and learning
ethnology :: study of man
etymology :: study of derivation, structure and development of words
excision :: act of cutting away
exegesis :: explanation, especially of Biblical passages
expletive :: interjection; profane oath
fanfare :: call by bugles or trumpets
floe :: mass of floating ice
fracas :: brawl; melee
frond :: fern leaf; palm or banana leaf
fulcrum :: support on which a lever rests
galaxy :: the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities
gamibit :: opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed
gargoyle :: waterspout carved in grotesque figures on building
gasconade :: bluster; boastfulness
gastronomy :: science of preparing and serving good food
genealogy :: record of descent; lineage
glossary :: brief explanation of words used in the text
gratuity :: tip
grimace :: a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc.
hackles :: hairs on back and neck of a dog
hegira :: flight, especially Mohammed's flight from Mecca the Medina
hoax :: trick; practical joke
hoyden :: boisterous girl
hummock :: small hill
husbandry :: frugality; thrift; agriculture
hustings :: meetings particularly to choose candidates
hyperbole :: exaggeration; overstatement
imprimatur :: permission to print or publish a book
incantation :: singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula
incarnation :: act of assuming a human body and human nature
incidence :: falling on a body; a casual occurrence
inebriety :: habitual intoxication
inertia :: state of being inert or indisposed to move
ingenue :: an artless girl; an actress who plays such parts
integument :: outer covering or skin
interstices :: chinks; crevices
intransigence :: state of stubborn unwillingness to compromise
irony :: hidden sarcasm or satire
isotope :: varying form of an element
itinerary :: plan of a trip
jeremiad :: lament; complaint
juncture :: crisis; joining point
jurisprudence :: science of law
kaleidoscope :: tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors
languor :: lassitude; depression
larceny :: theft
lechery :: gross lewdness; lustfulness
lectern :: reading desk
lexicographer :: compiler of a dictionary
libido :: emotional urges behind human activity
limbo :: region near heaven or hell where certain souls are kept; a prison
litany :: supplicatory prayer
litotes :: understatement for emphasis
lubricity :: slipperiness; evasiveness
malcontent :: person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs
mammal :: a vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
mandate :: order; charge
marsupial :: one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch
mayhem :: injury to body
melange :: medley; miscellany
metaphor :: implied comparison
miasma :: swamp gas; odor of decaying matter
microcosm :: small world
milieu :: environment; means of expression
millennium :: thousand-year period; period of happiness and prosperity
minaret :: slender tower attached to a mosque
minion :: a servile dependent
molecule :: the smallest part of a homogeneous substance
momentum :: quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus
moor :: marshy wasteland
moratorium :: legal delay of payment
mugwump :: defector from a party
murrain :: plague; cattle disease
nirvana :: the ideal state in Buddhist teachings
nuance :: shade of difference in meaning or color
objurgation :: severe rebuke; scolding
oblation :: the Eucharist; pious donation
obsidian :: black volcanic rock
obstetrician :: physician specializing in delivery of babies
Occident :: the West
odium :: repugnance; dislike
offal :: waste; garbage
offertory :: collection of money at religious ceremony
onus :: burden; responsibility
opportunist :: individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage
opprobrium :: infamy; vilification
opus :: work
orientation :: act of finding oneself in society
orison :: prayer
ornithology :: study of birds
orthography :: correct spelling
pachyderm :: thick-skinned animal
paddock :: saddling enclosure at race track; lot for exercising horses
palimpsest :: parchment used for second time after original writing has been erased
palliation :: act of making less severe or violent
panoply :: full set of armor
paramour :: illicit lover
paranoiac :: mentally unsound person suffering from delusions
parapet :: low wall at edge of roof or balcony
parity :: equality; close resemblance
parturition :: delivery; childbirth
pastiche :: imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing
patina :: green crust on old bronze works; tone slowly taken by varnished painti
patois :: local or provincial dialect
peculation :: embezzlement; theft
pedant :: scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities
pediment :: triangular part above columns in Greek buildings
peregrination :: journey
perigee :: point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth
peristyle :: series of columns surrounding a building or yard
peroration :: conclusion of an oration
perquisite :: any gain above stipulated salary
perspicuity :: clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity
phobia :: morbid fear
plebiscite :: expression of the will of a people by direct election
polemic :: controversy; argument in support of point of view
polity :: form of government of nation or state
porphyry :: igneous rock containing feldspar or quartz crystals
preciosity :: overrefinement in art or speech
preponderance :: superiority of power, quantity, etc.
prerogative :: privilege; unquestionable right
prestige :: impression produced by achievements or reputation
primogeniture :: seniority by birth
projectile :: missile
proletarian :: member of the working class
propellants :: substances which propel of drive forward
propinquity :: nearness; kinship
proscenium :: part of stage in front of curtain
prototype :: original work used as a model by others
provenance :: origin or source of something
psychosis :: mental disorder
pterodactyl :: extinct flying reptile
pundit :: learned Hindu; any learned man; authority on a subject
quadruped :: four-footed animal
quagmire :: bog; marsh
quarantine :: isolation of person or ship to prevent spread of infection
quorum :: number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
rampart :: defensive mound of earth
rationalization :: bringing into conformity with reason
recidivism :: habitual return to crime
recrudescence :: reopening of a wound or sore
recusant :: person who refuses to comply
rendition :: translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc.
reprobate :: person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency
residue :: remainder; balance
rood :: crucifix
rotunda :: circular building or hall covered with a dome
salver :: tray
sarcophagus :: stone coffin, often highly decorated
satellite :: small body revolving around a larger one
satire :: use of ridicule, irony, or sarcasm to expose folly, vice, etc.
satrap :: petty ruler working for a superior despot
satyr :: half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysos
sciolism :: quackery; superficial information
screed :: long, tiresome harangue
senescence :: state of growing old
seraph :: high-ranking, six-winged angel
similitude :: similitude; using comparisons such as similes, etc.
sirocco :: warm, sultry wind blown Africa to southern Europe
skeptic :: doubter
slander :: defamation; utterance o false and malicious statements
slattern :: untidy or slovenly person
sleight :: dexterity
sluice :: artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water
smattering :: slight knowledge
sobriquet :: nickname
solace :: comfort in trouble
sophist :: teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning
sophistication :: artificiality; unnaturalness; act of employing sophistry in reasoning
soporific :: sleep producer
spate :: sudden flood
spatula :: broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing
spectrum :: colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism
spoliation :: pillaging; depredation
spoonerism :: accidental transposition of sounds in successive words
spume :: froth; foam
stalemate :: deadlock
stigma :: token of disgrace; brand
stratum :: layer of earth's surface; layer of society
subsidy :: direct financial aid by government, etc.
supernumerary :: person or thing in excess of what is necessary; extra
suture :: stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision
syllogism :: logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion
symmetry :: arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity
talon :: claw of bird
tarantula :: venomous spider
tarn :: small mountain lake
tatterdemalion :: ragged fellow
tautology :: unnecessary repetition; pleonasm
teleology :: doctrine of final causes
tenacity :: firmness; persistency; adhesiveness
tergiversation :: evasion; fickleness
termagant :: shrew; scolding, brawling woman
terminology :: terms used in a science or art
terrapin :: American marsh tortoise
testator :: maker of a will
thaumaturgist :: miracle worker; magician
theosophy :: wisdom in divine things
thyme :: aromatic plant used for seasoning
timbre :: quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument
tocsin :: alarm bell
tonsure :: shaving of the head, especially by person entering religious orders
tortilla :: flat cake made of cornmeal, etc.
touchstone :: stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion
trajectory :: path taken by a projectile
treacle :: syrup obtained in refining sugar
trencherman :: good eater
triolet :: eight-line stanza
troglodyte :: cave dweller
trope :: figure of speech
tundra :: rolling, treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America
tureen :: deep table dish for holding soup
ukase :: official decree, usually Russian
usufruct :: right of enjoying things belonging to another
usurpation :: act of seizing power and rank of another
utopia :: imaginary land with perfect social and political system
valance :: short drapery hanging above window frame
valetudinarian :: invalid
vampire :: ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living
vassal :: in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord
vendetta :: feud; private warfare
vivisection :: act of dissecting living animals
warranty :: guarantee; assurance by seller
wastrel :: profligate
welkin :: sky
whorl :: ring of leaves around stem; ring
yeoman :: man owning small estate; middle-class farmer
yokel :: country bumpkin

word list -- 1

aboriginal :: being the first of its kind in a region: primitive: native
abortive :: unsuccessful: fruitless
abstemious :: temperate: sparing in drink, etc.
abstruse :: obscure: profound: difficult to understand
acetic :: vinegary
acidulous :: slightly sour: sharp: caustic
acquiescent :: accepting passively
acrid :: sharp: bitterly pungent
acrimonious :: stinging: caustic
actuarial :: calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
adamant :: hard: inflexible
addle :: rotten: muddled; crazy
adept :: expert at
adipose :: fatty
adroit :: skillful
adventitious :: accidental: casual
adverse :: unfavorable: hostile
aesthetic :: artistic: dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beautiful
affected :: artificial: pretended
agape :: openmouthed
aggregate :: sum: total
aghast :: horrified
albeit :: although
alimentary :: supplying nourishment
alluvial :: pertaining to soil deposits left by rivers, etc.
aloof :: apart; reserved
ambiguous :: doubtful in meaning
ambulatory :: able to walk
amenable :: readily managed; willing to be led
amiable :: agreeable; lovable
amicable :: friendly
amorphous :: shapeless
amphibian :: able to live both on land in water
ample :: abundant
amuck :: in a state of rage
analogous :: comparable
ancillary :: serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary
animated :: lively
anomalous :: abnormal; irregular
anonymous :: having no name
antediluvian :: antiquated; ancient
anthropoid :: manlike
apathetic :: indifferent
apocryphal :: not genuine; sham
apposite :: appropriate; fitting
apprehensive :: fearful; discerning
aquiline :: curved; hooked
arable :: fit for plowing
arbitrary :: fixed or decided; despotic
archaic :: antiquated
arduous :: hard; strenuous
aromatic :: fragrant
arrant :: thorough; complete; unmitigated
ascetic :: practicing self-denial; austere
ashen :: ash-colored
asinine :: stupid
askance :: with a sideway or indirect look
askew :: crookedly; slanted; at an angle
assiduous :: diligent
astral :: relating to the stars
astute :: wise; shrewd
astringent :: binding; causing contraction
atheistic :: denying the existence of God
athwart :: across; in opposition
atypical :: not normal
auspicious :: favoring success
austere :: strict; stern
autonomous :: self-governing
auxiliary :: helper, additional or subsidiary
averse :: reluctant
avid :: greedy; eager for
avuncular :: like an uncle
awry :: distorted; crooked
azure :: sky blue
bacchanalian :: drunken
baleful :: deadly; destructive
balmy :: mild; fragrant
banal :: hackneyed; commonplace; trite
baneful :: ruinous; poisonous
bantering :: good-natured ridiculing
baroque :: highly ornate
beatific :: giving bliss; blissful
belated :: delayed
bellicose :: warlike
benevolent :: generous; charitable
benighted :: overcome by darkness
benign :: kindly; favorable; not malignant
bereft :: deprived of; lacking
berserk :: frenzied
bicameral :: two-chambered, as a legislative body
biennial :: every two years
bilious :: suffering from indigestion; irritable
bizarre :: fantastic; violently contrasting
bland :: soothing; mild
blasphemous :: profane; impious
blatant :: loudly offensive
bleak :: cold; cheerless
blighted :: suffering from a disease; destroyed
blithe :: gay; joyous
bloated :: swollen or puffed as with water or air
bogus :: counterfeit; not authentic
boisterous :: violent; rough; noisy
bombastic :: pompous; using inflated language
bootless :: useless
bountiful :: generous; showing bounty
brazen :: insolent
bristling :: rising like bristles; showing irritation
brusque :: blunt; abrupt
bucolic :: rustic; pastoral
bumptious :: self-assertive
buxom :: plump; vigorous; jolly
cadaverous :: like a corpse; pale
callous :: hardened; unfeeling
calorific :: heat-producing
canny :: shrewd; thrifty
capacious :: spacious
capricious :: fickle; incalculable
captious :: faultfinding
carnal :: fleshly
carnivorous :: meat-eating
carping :: finding fault
catholic :: broadly sympathetic; liberal
caustic :: burning; sarcastically biting
celestial :: heavenly
celibate :: unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse
centigrade :: measure of temperature used widely in Europe
centrifugal :: radiating; departing from the center
cerebral :: pertaining to the brain of intellect
chaffing :: bantering; joking
chaotic :: in utter disorder
chary :: cautiously watchful
chaste :: pure
checkered :: marked by changes in fortune
chimerical :: fantastic; highly imaginative
choleric :: hot-tempered
chronic :: long established as a disease
churlish :: boorish; rude
ciliated :: having minute hairs
circuitous :: roundabout
circumspect :: prudent; cautious
clairvoyant :: having foresight
clandestine :: secret
clarion :: shrill trumpetlike sound
climactic :: relating to the highest point
cogent :: convincing
cognate :: allied by blood; of the same or kindred nature
coincident :: occurring at the same time
colossal :: huge
combustible :: easily burned
comely :: attractive; agreeable
commensurate :: equal in extent
commodious :: spacious and comfortable
compatible :: harmonious; in harmony with
complacent :: self-satisfied
complaisant :: trying to please; obliging
compliant :: yielding
concentric :: having a common center
concise :: brief and compact
concurrent :: happening at the same time
condign :: adequate; deservedly severe
congenital :: existing at birth
conjugal :: pertaining to marriage
connubial :: pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state
consummate :: complete
contentious :: quarrelsome
contiguous :: adjacent to; touching upon
contingent :: conditional
contrite :: penitent
contumacious :: disobedient; resisting authority
conversant :: familiar with
convivial :: festive; gay; characterized by joviality
copious :: plentiful
corporeal :: bodily; material
corpulent :: very fat
corrosive :: eating away by chemicals or disease
cosmic :: pertaining to the universe; vast
covert :: secret; hidden; implied
covetous :: avaricious; eagerly desirous of
coy :: shy; modest; coquettish
crabbed :: sour; peevish
crass :: very unrefined; grossly insensible
craven :: cowardly
crestfallen :: dejected; dispirited
cryptic :: mysterious; hidden; secret
culinary :: relating to cooking
cursory :: casual; hastily done
dank :: damp
culpable :: deserving blame
dauntless :: bold
debonair :: friendly; aiming to please
deciduous :: falling of as of leaves
decorous :: proper
decrepit :: worn out by age
deducible :: derived by reasoning
defeatist :: attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome
definitive :: final; complete
defunct :: dead; no longer in use or existence
deleterious :: harmful
delusive :: deceptive; raising vain hopes
demoniac :: fiendish
demure :: grave; serious; coy
deprecatory :: disapproving
deranged :: insane
derelict :: abandoned
derogatory :: expressing a low opinion
despicable :: contemptible
destitute :: extremely poor
desultory :: aimless; jumping around
devious :: going astray; erratic
devoid :: lacking
devout :: pious
dexterous :: skillful
diabolical :: devilish
diaphanous :: sheer; transparent
digressive :: wandering away from the subject
dilatory :: delaying
dire :: disastrous
discernible :: distinguishable; perceivable
discerning :: mentally quick and observant; having insight
disconsolate :: sad
discordant :: inharmonious; conflicting
discrete :: separate; unconnected
discursive :: digressing; rambling
disheveled :: untidy
disingenuous :: not naive; sophisticated
disinterested :: unprejudiced
disjointed :: disconnected
disparate :: basically different; unrelated
dispirited :: lacking in spirit
disputatious :: argumentative; fond of argument
dissolute :: loose in morals
distrait :: absentminded
distraught :: upset; distracted by anxiety
diurnal :: daily
divers :: several; differing
diverse :: differing in some characteristics; various
docile :: obedient; easily managed
dogmatic :: positive; arbitrary
dolorous :: sorrowful
dormant :: sleeping; lethargic; torpid
dorsal :: relating to the back of an animal
doughty :: courageous
dour :: sullen; stubborn
droll :: queer and amusing
dubious :: doubtful
earthy :: unrefined; coarse
ebullient :: showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm
ecclesiastic :: pertaining to the church
eerie :: weird
effectual :: efficient
effeminate :: having womanly traits
effete :: worn out; exhausted; barren
efflorescent :: flowering
effulgent :: brilliantly radiant
effusive :: pouring forth; gushing
egregious :: gross; shocking
elegiacal :: like an elegy; mournful
elusive :: evasive; baffling; hard to grasp
elusory :: tending to deceive expectations; elusive
emaciated :: thin and wasted
eminent :: high; lofty
enamored :: in love
encomiastic :: praising; eulogistic
ephemeral :: short-lived; fleeting
equable :: tranquil; steady; uniform
equivocal :: doubtful; ambiguous
errant :: wandering
erudite :: learned; scholarly
esoteric :: known only to the chosen few
estranged :: separated
ethereal :: light; heavenly; fine
ethnic :: relating to races
eulogistic :: praising
euphonious :: pleasing in sound
evanescent :: fleeting; vanishing
evasive :: not frank; eluding
execrable :: very bad
exemplary :: serving as a model; outstanding
exiguous :: small; minute
exorbitant :: excessive
exotic :: not native; strange
expeditiously :: rapidly and efficiently
extant :: still in existence
extemporaneous :: not planned; impromptu
extraneous :: not essential; external
extrinsic :: external; not inherent; foreign
exuberant :: abundant; effusive; lavish
facetious :: humorous; jocular
facile :: easy; expert
factious :: inclined to form factions; causing dissension
factitious :: artificial; sham
fain :: gladly
fallacious :: misleading
fallible :: liable to err
fallow :: plowed but not sowed; uncultivated
fancied :: imagined; unreal
fanciful :: whimsical; visionary
fantastic :: unreal; grotesque; whimsical
fastidious :: difficult to please; squeamish
fatuous :: foolish; inane
fawning :: courting favor by cringing and flattering
feasible :: practical
felicitous :: apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
fell :: cruel; deadly
fervent :: ardent; hot
fervid :: ardent
fetid :: malodorous
fickle :: changeable; faithless
fictitious :: imaginary
filial :: pertaining to a son daughter
finicky :: too particular; fussy
finite :: limited
fitful :: spasmodic; intermittent
flaccid :: flabby
flagging :: weak; drooping
flagrant :: conspicuously wicked
flamboyant :: ornate
fledgling :: inexperienced
florid :: flowery; ruddy
foolhardy :: rash
foppish :: vain about dress and appearance
forensic :: suitable to debate or courts of law
formidable :: menacing; threatening
fortuitous :: accidental; by chance
fractious :: unruly
frantic :: wild
fraudulent :: cheating; deceitful
fraught :: filled
frenetic :: frenzied; frantic
frenzied :: madly excited
frigid :: intensely cold
frolicsome :: prankish; gay
froward :: disobedient; perverse; stubborn
frowzy :: slovenly; unkempt; dirty
fulsome :: disgustingly excessive
funereal :: sad; solemn
furtive :: stealthy
fustian :: pompous; bombastic
garbled :: mixed up; based on false or unfair selection
garish :: gaudy
genteel :: well-bred; elegant
germane :: pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand
ghastly :: horrible
glib :: fluent
glossy :: smooth and shining
glutinous :: sticky; viscous
gluttonous :: greedy for food
gnarled :: twisted
gory :: bloody
gossamer :: sheer; like cobwebs
hazardous :: dangerous
hazy :: slightly obscure
heedless :: not noticing; disregarding
heinous :: atrocious; hatefully bad
heterogeneous :: dissimilar
hibernal :: wintry
hindmost :: furthest behind
hirsute :: hairy
histrionic :: theatrical
hoary :: white with age
homespun :: domestic; made at home
homogeneous :: of the same kind
horticultural :: pertaining to cultivation of gardens
humane :: kind
humdrum :: dull; monotonous
humid :: damp
hypercritical :: excessively exacting
hypocritical :: pretending to be virtuous; deceiving
hypothetical :: based on assumptions or hypotheses
iconoclastic :: attacking cherished traditions
igneous :: produced by fire; volcanic
ignoble :: of lowly origin; unworthy
ignominious :: disgraceful
illimitable :: infinite
immaculate :: pure; spotless
imminent :: impending; near at hand
immune :: exempt
immutable :: unchangeable
impassive :: without feeling; not affected by pain
impeccable :: faultless
impecunious :: without money
impending :: nearing; approaching
impenitent :: not repentant
imperious :: domineering
impermeable :: impervious; not permitting passage through its substance
impertinent :: insolent
impervious :: not penetrable; not permitting passage through
impetuous :: violent; hasty; rash
impious :: irreverent
implacable :: incapable of being pacified
implicit :: understood but not stated
impolitic :: not wise
impregnable :: invulnerable
impromptu :: without previous preparation
improvident :: thriftless
inalienable :: not to be taken away; nontransferable
inane :: silly; senseless
inanimate :: lifeless
inarticulate :: speechless; producing indistinct speech
incarnate :: endowed with flesh; personified
incessant :: uninterrupted
inchoate :: recently begun; rudimentary; elementary
incipient :: beginning; in an early stage
incisive :: cutting; sharp
inclement :: stormy; unkind
inclusive :: tending to include all
incognito :: with identity concealed; using an assumed name
incommodious :: not spacious
incompatible :: inharmonious
inconsequential :: of trifling significance
incontrovertible :: indisputable
incorporeal :: immaterial; without a material body
incorrigible :: uncorrectable
indefatigable :: tireless
indigenous :: native
indigent :: poor
indisputable :: too certain to be disputed
indomitable :: unconquerable
indubitably :: beyond a doubt
indulgent :: humoring; yielding; lenient
ineffable :: unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech
inept :: unsuited; absurd; incompetent
inexorable :: relentless; unyielding; implacable
infallible :: unerring
infamous :: notoriously bad
infinitesimal :: very small
inflated :: enlarged with air or gas
ingenuous :: naive; young; unsophisticated
inherent :: firmly established by nature or habit
inimical :: unfriendly; hostile
iniquitous :: unjust; wicked
innate :: inborn
innocuous :: harmless
inordinate :: unrestrained; excessive
insatiable :: not easily satisfied; greedy
inscrutable :: incomprehensible; not to be discovered
insensate :: without feeling
insidious :: treacherous; stealthy; sly
insipid :: tasteless; dull
insolent :: haughty and contemptuous
insular :: like an island; narrow-minded
insuperable :: insurmountable; invincible
insurgent :: rebellious
interminable :: endless
intermittent :: periodic; on and off
intransigent :: refusing any compromise
intrepid :: fearless
intrinsic :: belonging to a thing in itself; inherent
introvert :: inclined to think more about oneself
inured :: accustomed; hardened
inverse :: opposite
inveterate :: deep-rooted; habitual
invidious :: designed to create ill will or envy
invulnerable :: incapable of injury
irascible :: irritable; easily angered
iridescent :: exhibiting rainbowlike colors
ironical :: resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner
irreconcilable :: incompatible; not able to be resolved
irrelevant :: not applicable; unrelated
irremediable :: incurable; uncorrectable
irreparable :: not able to be corrected or repaired
irreverent :: lacking proper respect
irrevocable :: unalterable
itinerant :: wandering; traveling
jaded :: fatigued; surfeited
jaundiced :: yellowed; prejudiced; envious
jocose :: giving to joking
jocular :: said or done in jest
jocund :: merry
judicious :: wise; determined by sound judgment
lackadaisical :: affectedly languid
laconic :: brief and to the point
laggard :: slow; sluggish
lambent :: flickering; softly radiant
laminated :: made of thin plates or scales
languid :: weary; sluggish; listless
lascivious :: lustful
latent :: dormant; hidden
lateral :: coming from the side
laudatory :: expressing praise
lavish :: liberal; wasteful
lecherous :: impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste
lethal :: deadly
lethargic :: drowsy; dull
lewd :: lustful
libelous :: defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person
libidinous :: lustful
licentious :: wanton; lewd; dissolute
limpid :: clear
linguistic :: pertaining to language
lithe :: flexible; supple
livid :: lead-colored; black and blue; enraged
loath :: averse; reluctant
loquacious :: talkative
lucent :: shining
lucid :: bright; easily understood
lucrative :: profitable
lugubrious :: mournful
luminous :: shining; issuing light
lunar :: pertaining to the moon
lurid :: wild; sensational
luscious :: pleasing to taste or smell
lustrous :: shining
luxuriant :: fertile; abundant; ornate
macabre :: gruesome; grisly
Machiavellian :: crafty; double-dealing
magnanimous :: generous
magniloquent :: boastful; pompous
malevolent :: wishing evil
malicious :: dictated by hatred or spite
malignant :: having an evil influence; virulent
malleable :: capable of being shaped by pounding
mammoth :: gigantic
mandatory :: obligatory
maniacal :: raving mad
manifest :: understandable; clear
marital :: pertaining to marriage
maritime :: bordering on the sea; nautical
martial :: warlike
maternal :: motherly
maudlin :: effusively sentimental
mauve :: pale purple
meddlesome :: interfering
mediocre :: ordinary; commonplace
mellifluous :: flowing smoothly; smooth
mendacious :: lying; false
menial :: suitable for servants; low
mercantile :: concerning trade
mercenary :: interested in money or gain
mercurial :: fickle; changing
meretricious :: flashy; tawdry
metallurgical :: pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores
metaphysical :: pertaining to speculative philosophy
meticulous :: excessively careful
migrant :: changing its habitat; wandering
migratory :: wandering
mincing :: affectedly dainty
mobile :: movable; not fixed
modish :: fashionable
molten :: melted
momentous :: very important
monetary :: pertaining to money
monotheism :: belief in one God
moot :: debatable
morbid :: given to unwholesome thought; gloomy
mordant :: biting; sarcastic; stinging
moribund :: at the point of death
morose :: ill-humored; sullen
motley :: parti-colored; mixed
muggy :: warm and damp
multiform :: having many forms
multilingual :: having many languages
mundane :: worldly as opposed to spiritual
munificent :: very generous
musky :: having the odor of musk
musty :: stale; spoiled by age
mutable :: changing in form; fickle
mutinous :: unruly; rebellious
natal :: pertaining to birth
nebulous :: cloudy; hazy
nefarious :: very wicked
niggardly :: meanly stingy; parsimonious
nocturnal :: done at night
noisome :: foul smelling; unwholesome
nomadic :: wandering
noncommittal :: neutral; unpledged; undecided
notorious :: outstandingly bad; unfavorably known
noxious :: harmful
nugatory :: futile; worthless
nutrient :: providing nourishment
obdurate :: stubborn
obese :: fat
oblique :: slanting; deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line
obnoxious :: offensive
obsequious :: slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic
obsolete :: outmoded
obtrusive :: pushing toward
obtuse :: blunt; stupid
occult :: mysterious; secret; supernatural
odious :: hateful
odoriferous :: giving off an order
odorous :: having an odor
officious :: meddlesome; excessively trying to please
olfactory :: concerning the sense of smell
ominous :: threatening
omnipotent :: all-powerful
omniscient :: all-knowing
omnivorous :: eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything
onerous :: burdensome
opalescent :: iridescent
opaque :: dark; not transparent
opportune :: timely; well chosen
opprobrious :: disgraceful
ornate :: excessively decorated; highly decorated
ostensible :: apparent; professed; pretended
ostentatious :: showy; pretentious
overt :: open to view
palatable :: agreeable; pleasing to the taste
palatial :: magnificent
pallid :: pale; wan
palpable :: tangible; easily perceptible
paltry :: insignificant; petty
parsimonious :: stingy; excessively frugal
passive :: not active; acted upon
pastoral :: rural
patent :: open for the public to read; obvious
pathetic :: causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching
pecuniary :: pertaining to money
pedantic :: showing off learning; bookish
pell-mell :: in confusion; disorderly
pellucid :: transparent; limpid; easy to understand
pendant :: hanging down from something
pendent :: suspended; jutting; pending
penitent :: repentant
pensive :: dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness
penurious :: stingy; parsimonious
peremptory :: demanding and leaving no choice
perennial :: lasting
perfidious :: basely false
perforce :: of necessity
perfunctory :: superficial; listless; not thorough
peripatetic :: walking about; moving
permeable :: porous; allowing passage through
pernicious :: very destructive
perpetual :: everlasting
perspicacious :: having insight; penetrating; astute
pert :: impertinent; forward
pertinacious :: stubborn; persistent
pertinent :: suitable; to the point
perverse :: stubborn; intractable
pervious :: penetrable
pestilential :: causing plague; baneful
petulant :: touchy; peevish
phlegmatic :: calm; not easily disturbed
pied :: variegated; multicolored
pious :: devout
piquant :: pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating
piscatorial :: pertaining to fishing
pithy :: concise; meaty
placid :: peaceful; calm
plaintive :: mournful
plauditory :: approving; applauding
plebeian :: common; pertaining to the common people
plenary :: complete; full
plenipotentiary :: fully empowered
plumb :: checking perpendicularity; vertical
poignant :: keen; piercing; severe
politic :: expedient; prudent; well devised
polyglot :: speaking several languages
portentous :: ominous; serious
portly :: stately; stout
posthumous :: after death
potential :: expressing possibility; latent
practicable :: feasible
practical :: based on experience; useful
pragmatic :: practical; concerned with practical values
precarious :: uncertain; risky
precedent :: preceding in time, rank, etc.
precipitate :: headlong; rash
precipitous :: steep
precocious :: developed ahead of time
predatory :: plundering
preeminent :: outstanding; superior
prefatory :: introductory
preposterous :: absurd; ridiculous
pretentious :: ostentatious; ambitious
prim :: very precise and formal; exceedingly proper
primordial :: existing at the beginning of time; rudimentary
pristine :: characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled
privy :: secret; hidden; not public
prodigal :: wasteful; reckless with money
prodigious :: marvelous; enormous
profligate :: dissipated; wasteful; licentious
prolific :: abundantly fruitful
prolix :: verbose; drawn out
promiscuous :: mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular
prone :: inclined to; prostrate
propitious :: favorable; kindly
propulsive :: driving forward
prosaic :: commonplace; dull
provident :: displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies
prurient :: based on lascivious thoughts
puerile :: childish
pugnacious :: combative; disposed to fight
puissant :: powerful; strong; potent
pulmonary :: pertaining to the lungs
punctilious :: laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; precise
pungent :: stinging; caustic
punitive :: punishing
puny :: insignificant; tiny; weak
pusillanimous :: cowardly; fainthearted
putrid :: foul; rotten; decayed
querulous :: fretful; whining
quiescent :: at rest; dormant
quixotic :: idealistic but impractical
quizzical :: bantering; comical; humorously serious
rabid :: like a fanatic; furious
rampant :: rearing up on hind legs; unrestrained
rancid :: having the odor of stale fat
rapacious :: excessively grasping; plundering
rarefied :: made less dense of a gas
raucous :: harsh and shrill
ravening :: rapacious; seeking prey
ravenous :: extremely hungry
recalcitrant :: obstinately stubborn
reciprocal :: mutual; exchangeable; interacting
recondite :: abstruse; profound; secret
recumbent :: reclining; lying down completely or in part
recurrent :: occurring again and again
redolent :: fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor
redoubtable :: formidable; causing fear
redundant :: superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitious
refractory :: stubborn; unmanageable
refulgent :: radiant
regal :: royal
remediable :: reparable
remedial :: curative; corrective
remiss :: negligent
remunerative :: compensating; rewarding
reparable :: capable of being repaired
repellent :: driving away; unattractive
replete :: filled to capacity; abundantly supplied
reprehensible :: deserving blame
resonant :: echoing; resounding; possessing resonance
resplendent :: brilliant; lustrous
restive :: unmanageable; fretting under control
retentive :: holding; having a good memory
retroactive :: of a law which dates back to a period before its enactment
retrograde :: going backwards; degenerating
rheumy :: pertaining to a discharge from nose and eyes
ribald :: wanton; profane
rife :: abundant; current
risible :: inclined to laugh; ludicrous
risqué :: verging upon the improper; off-color
roan :: brown mixed with gray or white
robust :: vigorous; strong
rococo :: ornate; highly decorated
roseate :: rosy; optimistic
rubicund :: having a healthy reddish color; ruddy; florid
ruddy :: reddish; healthy-looking
rudimentary :: not developed; elementary
rueful :: regretful; sorrowful; dejected
ruthless :: pitiless
sacerdotal :: priestly
sacrilegious :: desecrating; profane
sacrosanct :: most sacred; inviolable
sadistic :: inclined to cruelty
saffron :: orange-colored; colored like the autumn crocus
sagacious :: keen; shrewd; having insight
salient :: prominent
saline :: salty
sallow :: yellowish; sickly in color
salubrious :: healthful
salutary :: tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome
sanguinary :: bloody
sanguine :: cheerful; hopeful
sapid :: savory; tasty; relishable
sapient :: wise; shrewd
sardonic :: disdainful; sarcastic; cynical
saturnine :: gloomy
scrupulous :: conscientious; extremely thorough
scurrilous :: obscene; indecent
sebaceous :: oily; fatty
secular :: worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal
sedate :: composed; grave
sedentary :: requiring sitting
sedulous :: diligent
sensual :: devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal; voluptuous
sententious :: terse; concise; aphoristic
serrated :: having a saw-toothed edge
servile :: slavish; cringing
shoddy :: sham; not genuine; inferior
sidereal :: relating to the stars
simian :: monkeylike
sinister :: evil
sinuous :: winding; bending in and out; not morally honest
skittish :: lively; frisky
sleazy :: flimsy; unsubstantial
slovenly :: untidy; careless in work habits
solicitous :: worried; concerned
solvent :: able to pay all debts
somnolent :: half asleep
sonorous :: resonant
spasmodic :: fitful; periodic
spatial :: relating to space
specious :: seemingly reasonable but incorrect
spectral :: ghostly
splenetic :: spiteful; irritable; peevish
sporadic :: occurring irregularly
sportive :: playful
spurious :: false; counterfeit
squalid :: dirty; neglected; poor
stagnant :: motionless; stale; dull
staid :: sober; sedate
stellar :: pertaining to the stars
stentorian :: extremely loud
stolid :: dull; impassive
striated :: marked with parallel bands
strident :: loud and harsh
stringent :: binding; rigid
sublime :: exalted; noble; uplifting
sub rosa :: in strict confidence; privately
subsequent :: following; later
subservient :: behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious
subsidiary :: subordinate; secondary
subversive :: tending to overthrow or ruin
succinct :: brief; terse; compact
succulent :: juicy; full of richness
sultry :: sweltering
sumptuous :: lavish; rich
sundry :: various; several
superannuated :: retired on pension because of age
supercilious :: contemptuous; haughty
superficial :: trivial; shallow
supine :: lying on back
suppliant :: entreating; beseeching
supposititious :: assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
surly :: rude; cross
surreptitious :: secret
sycophantic :: servilely flattering
sylvan :: pertaining to the woods; rustic
synchronous :: similarly timed; simultaneous with
synthetic :: artificial; resulting from synthesis
tacit :: understood; not put into words
taciturn :: habitually silent; talking little
tactile :: pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
tainted :: contaminated; corrupt
tautological :: needlessly repetitious
tawdry :: cheap and gaudy
temporal :: not lasting forever; limited by time; secular
tenacious :: holding fast
tentative :: provisional; experimental
tenuous :: thin; rare; slim
tepid :: lukewarm
terrestrial :: on the earth
terse :: concise; abrupt; pithy
tertiary :: third
testy :: irritable; short-tempered
therapeutic :: curative
thermal :: pertaining to heat
titanic :: gigantic
titular :: nominal holding of title without obligations
torpid :: dormant; dull; lethargic
tortuous :: winding; full of curves
touchy :: sensitive; irascible
toxic :: poisonous
tractable :: docile
transient :: fleeting; quickly passing away; staying for a short time
translucent :: partly transparent
transparent :: permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected
tremulous :: trembling; wavering
trenchant :: cutting; keen
trite :: hackneyed; commonplace
truculent :: aggressive; savage
tumid :: swollen; pompous; bombastic
turbid :: muddy; having the sediment disturbed
turgid :: swollen; distended
ubiquitous :: being everywhere; omnipresent
ulterior :: situated beyond; unstated
ultimate :: final; not susceptible to further analysis
unassuaged :: unsatisfied; not soothed
unassuming :: modest
unbridled :: violent
uncanny :: strange; mysterious
unconscionable :: unscrupulous; excessive
uncouth :: outlandish; clumsy; boorish
unctuous :: oily; bland; insincerely suave
unearthly :: not earthly; weird
unequivocal :: plain; obvious
unfaltering :: steadfast
unfeigned :: genuine; real
ungainly :: awkward
unimpeachable :: blameless and exemplary
unique :: without an equal; single in kind
unkempt :: disheveled; with uncared for appearance
unmitigated :: harsh; severe; not lightened
unruly :: disobedient; lawless
unseemly :: unbecoming; indecent
unsullied :: untarnished
untenable :: unsupportable
unwitting :: unintentional; not knowing
unwonted :: unaccustomed
urbane :: suave; refined; elegant
uxorious :: excessively devoted to one's wife
vacuous :: empty; inane
vainglorious :: boastful; excessively conceited
vapid :: insipid; inane
variegated :: many-colored
vaunted :: boasted; bragged; highly publicized
vehement :: impetuous; with marked vigor
venal :: capable of being bribed
venerable :: deserving high respect
venial :: forgivable; trivial
ventral :: abdominal
venturous :: daring
veracious :: truthful
verbose :: wordy
verdant :: green; fresh
vernal :: pertaining to spring
versatile :: having many talents; capable of working in many fields
vicarious :: acting as a substitute; done by a deputy
vindictive :: revengeful
virile :: manly
virulent :: extremely poisonous
viscid :: sticky; adhesive
viscous :: sticky; gluey
visionary :: produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical
vitriolic :: corrosive; sarcastic
vituperative :: abusive; scolding
vivacious :: animated; gay
vociferous :: clamorous; noisy
volatile :: evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial
voluble :: fluent; glib
voluptuous :: gratifying the senses
voracious :: ravenous
vying :: contending
waggish :: mischievous; humorous; tricky
wan :: having a pale or sickly color; pallid
wanton :: unruly; unchaste; excessive
wary :: very cautious
whimsical :: capricious; fanciful; quaint
wily :: cunning; artful
winsome :: agreeable; gracious; engaging
witless :: foolish; idiotic
wizened :: withered; shriveled
worldly :: engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual
abysmal :: bottomless
acephalous :: headless
adulterated :: made impure or spoiled by the addition of inferior materials
affable :: courteous
afferent :: carrying toward the center
agrarian :: pertaining to land or its cultivation
amoral :: nonmoral
analgesic :: causing insensitivity to pain
anthropomorphic :: having human form or characteristics
apocalyptic :: prophetic; pertaining to revelations
apropos :: with reference to; properly
aseptic :: preventing putrefaction or blood poisoning by killing bacteria
auroral :: pertaining to the aurora borealis
beholden :: obligated; indebted
bestial :: beastlike; brutal
bifurcated :: divided into two branches; forked
blasé :: bored with pleasure or dissipation
boorish :: rude; clownish
brackish :: somewhat saline
brindled :: tawny or grayish with streaks or spots
callow :: unfledged; youthful
capillary :: having a very fine bore
centripetal :: tending toward the center
colloquial :: pertaining to conversational or common speech
comatose :: in a coma; extremely sleepy
convoluted :: coiled around; involved; intricate
crepuscular :: pertaining to twilight
crotchety :: eccentric; whimsical
cursive :: flowing, running
décolleté :: having a low-necked dress
degraded :: lowered in rank; debased
deliquescent :: capable of absorbing moisture from the air and becoming liquid
demotic :: pertaining to the people
didactic :: teaching; instructional
dispassionate :: calm; impartial
distaff :: female
doddering :: shaky; infirm from old age
dulcet :: sweet sounding
dynamic :: active; efficient
embryonic :: undeveloped; rudimentary
emeritus :: retired but retained in an honorary capacity
empirical :: based on experience
empyreal :: celestial; fiery
endemic :: prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area
enigmatic :: obscure; puzzling
equitable :: fair; impartial
erotic :: pertaining to passionate love
eugenic :: pertaining to the improvement of race
ex officio :: by virtue of one's office
explicit :: definite; open
febrile :: feverish
fiduciary :: pertaining to a position of trust
fluted :: having vertical parallel grooves (as in a pillar)
fulgent :: beaming; radiant
garrulous :: loquacious; wordy
gauche :: clumsy; boorish
generic :: characteristic of a class or species
germinal :: pertaining to a germ; creative
hermetically :: sealed by fusion so as to be airtight
hortatory :: encouraging
hyperborean :: situated in extreme north; arctic; cold
idiosyncratic :: private; peculiar to an individual
illusive :: deceiving
impalpable :: imperceptible; intangible
imperturbable :: calm; placid
imponderable :: weightless
importunate :: urging; demanding
impotent :: weak; ineffective
incongruous :: not fitting; absurd
incontinent :: lacking self-restraint; licentious
incredulous :: withholding belief; skeptical
inductive :: pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general
ineluctable :: irresistible; not to be escaped
insouciant :: indifferent; without concern or care
interlocutory :: conversational; intermediate, not final
internecine :: mutually destructive
intractable :: unruly; refractory
irksome :: repetitious; tedious
irrefragable :: not to be disproved; indisputable
jejune :: lacking interest; barren; meager
kinetic :: producing motion
lachrymose :: producing tears
laudable :: praiseworthy; commendable
lissome :: agile; lithe
ludicrous :: laughable; trifling
maladroit :: clumsy; bungling
manifold :: numerous; varied
mawkish :: sickening; insipid
militant :: combative; bellicose
minatory :: threatening
morganatic :: describing a marriage between a member of a royal family and a commone
myopic :: nearsighted
nascent :: incipient; coming into being
nautical :: pertaining to ships or navigation
neap :: lowest
nubile :: marriageable
obligatory :: binding; required
obstreperous :: boisterous; noisy
omnipresent :: universally present; ubiquitous
optimum :: most favorable
orotund :: having a round, resonant quality; inflated speech
overweening :: presumptuous; arrogant
parlous :: dangerous; perilous
passé :: old-fashioned; past the prime
pathological :: pertaining to disease
pejorative :: having a deteriorating or depreciating effect on the meaning of a word
pendulous :: hanging; suspended
pennate :: having wings or feathers
personable :: attractive
perspicuous :: plainly expressed
pharisaical :: pertaining to the Pharisees; self-righteous; hypocritical
physiological :: pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms
picaresque :: pertaining to rogues in literature
piebald :: mottled; spotted
plangent :: plaintive; resounding sadly
platonic :: purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire
plausible :: having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious
postprandial :: after dinner
potable :: suitable for drinking
prehensile :: capable of grasping or holding
premonitory :: serving to warn
prognathous :: having projecting jaws
prophylactic :: used to prevent disease
provincial :: pertaining to a province; limited
psychopathic :: pertaining to mental derangement
purblind :: dim-sighted; obtuse
putative :: supposed; reputed
queasy :: easily nauseated; squeamish
reactionary :: recoiling from progress; retrograde
recherché :: choice, sought after; rare
resilient :: elastic; having the power of springing back
resurgent :: rising again after defeat, etc.
reticulated :: covered with a network; having the appearance of a mesh
rustic :: pertaining to country people; uncouth
saltatory :: relating to leaping
sanctimonious :: displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness
sartorial :: pertaining to tailors
sensuous :: pertaining to the physical senses; operating through the senses
septic :: putrid; producing putrefaction
sequacious :: eager to follow; ductile
serried :: standing shoulder to shoulder; crowded
sibylline :: prophetic; oracular
simpering :: smirking
somatic :: pertaining to the body; physical
sophomoric :: immature; shallow
staccato :: played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound
stalwart :: strong, brawny; steadfast
statutory :: created by statute or legislative action
stereotyped :: fixed and unvarying representation
stertorous :: having a snoring sound
stilted :: bombastic; inflated
suave :: smooth; bland
subjective :: occurring or taking place within the subject; unreal
subliminal :: below the threshold
substantive :: essential; pertaining to the substance
sudorific :: pertaining to perspiration
sumptuary :: limiting or regulating expenditures
supernal :: heavenly; celestial
supple :: flexible; pliant
tantamount :: equal
taut :: tight; ready
temerarious :: rash
tendentious :: having an aim; designed to further a cause
tenebrous :: dark; gloomy
tessellated :: inlaid; mosaic
timorous :: fearful; demonstrating fear
traumatic :: pertaining to an injury caused by violence
tutelary :: protective; pertaining to a guardianship
unilateral :: one-sided
untoward :: unfortunate; annoying
ursine :: bearlike; pertaining to a bear
valedictory :: pertaining to farewell
verbatim :: word for word
vermicular :: pertaining to a worm
vertiginous :: giddy; causing dizziness
viable :: capable of maintaining life
vitreous :: pertaining to or resembling glass