aboriginal :: being the first of its kind in a region: primitive: native
abortive :: unsuccessful: fruitless
abstemious :: temperate: sparing in drink, etc.
abstruse :: obscure: profound: difficult to understand
acetic :: vinegary
acidulous :: slightly sour: sharp: caustic
acquiescent :: accepting passively
acrid :: sharp: bitterly pungent
acrimonious :: stinging: caustic
actuarial :: calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
adamant :: hard: inflexible
addle :: rotten: muddled; crazy
adept :: expert at
adipose :: fatty
adroit :: skillful
adventitious :: accidental: casual
adverse :: unfavorable: hostile
aesthetic :: artistic: dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beautiful
affected :: artificial: pretended
agape :: openmouthed
aggregate :: sum: total
aghast :: horrified
albeit :: although
alimentary :: supplying nourishment
alluvial :: pertaining to soil deposits left by rivers, etc.
aloof :: apart; reserved
ambiguous :: doubtful in meaning
ambulatory :: able to walk
amenable :: readily managed; willing to be led
amiable :: agreeable; lovable
amicable :: friendly
amorphous :: shapeless
amphibian :: able to live both on land in water
ample :: abundant
amuck :: in a state of rage
analogous :: comparable
ancillary :: serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary
animated :: lively
anomalous :: abnormal; irregular
anonymous :: having no name
antediluvian :: antiquated; ancient
anthropoid :: manlike
apathetic :: indifferent
apocryphal :: not genuine; sham
apposite :: appropriate; fitting
apprehensive :: fearful; discerning
aquiline :: curved; hooked
arable :: fit for plowing
arbitrary :: fixed or decided; despotic
archaic :: antiquated
arduous :: hard; strenuous
aromatic :: fragrant
arrant :: thorough; complete; unmitigated
ascetic :: practicing self-denial; austere
ashen :: ash-colored
asinine :: stupid
askance :: with a sideway or indirect look
askew :: crookedly; slanted; at an angle
assiduous :: diligent
astral :: relating to the stars
astute :: wise; shrewd
astringent :: binding; causing contraction
atheistic :: denying the existence of God
athwart :: across; in opposition
atypical :: not normal
auspicious :: favoring success
austere :: strict; stern
autonomous :: self-governing
auxiliary :: helper, additional or subsidiary
averse :: reluctant
avid :: greedy; eager for
avuncular :: like an uncle
awry :: distorted; crooked
azure :: sky blue
bacchanalian :: drunken
baleful :: deadly; destructive
balmy :: mild; fragrant
banal :: hackneyed; commonplace; trite
baneful :: ruinous; poisonous
bantering :: good-natured ridiculing
baroque :: highly ornate
beatific :: giving bliss; blissful
belated :: delayed
bellicose :: warlike
benevolent :: generous; charitable
benighted :: overcome by darkness
benign :: kindly; favorable; not malignant
bereft :: deprived of; lacking
berserk :: frenzied
bicameral :: two-chambered, as a legislative body
biennial :: every two years
bilious :: suffering from indigestion; irritable
bizarre :: fantastic; violently contrasting
bland :: soothing; mild
blasphemous :: profane; impious
blatant :: loudly offensive
bleak :: cold; cheerless
blighted :: suffering from a disease; destroyed
blithe :: gay; joyous
bloated :: swollen or puffed as with water or air
bogus :: counterfeit; not authentic
boisterous :: violent; rough; noisy
bombastic :: pompous; using inflated language
bootless :: useless
bountiful :: generous; showing bounty
brazen :: insolent
bristling :: rising like bristles; showing irritation
brusque :: blunt; abrupt
bucolic :: rustic; pastoral
bumptious :: self-assertive
buxom :: plump; vigorous; jolly
cadaverous :: like a corpse; pale
callous :: hardened; unfeeling
calorific :: heat-producing
canny :: shrewd; thrifty
capacious :: spacious
capricious :: fickle; incalculable
captious :: faultfinding
carnal :: fleshly
carnivorous :: meat-eating
carping :: finding fault
catholic :: broadly sympathetic; liberal
caustic :: burning; sarcastically biting
celestial :: heavenly
celibate :: unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse
centigrade :: measure of temperature used widely in Europe
centrifugal :: radiating; departing from the center
cerebral :: pertaining to the brain of intellect
chaffing :: bantering; joking
chaotic :: in utter disorder
chary :: cautiously watchful
chaste :: pure
checkered :: marked by changes in fortune
chimerical :: fantastic; highly imaginative
choleric :: hot-tempered
chronic :: long established as a disease
churlish :: boorish; rude
ciliated :: having minute hairs
circuitous :: roundabout
circumspect :: prudent; cautious
clairvoyant :: having foresight
clandestine :: secret
clarion :: shrill trumpetlike sound
climactic :: relating to the highest point
cogent :: convincing
cognate :: allied by blood; of the same or kindred nature
coincident :: occurring at the same time
colossal :: huge
combustible :: easily burned
comely :: attractive; agreeable
commensurate :: equal in extent
commodious :: spacious and comfortable
compatible :: harmonious; in harmony with
complacent :: self-satisfied
complaisant :: trying to please; obliging
compliant :: yielding
concentric :: having a common center
concise :: brief and compact
concurrent :: happening at the same time
condign :: adequate; deservedly severe
congenital :: existing at birth
conjugal :: pertaining to marriage
connubial :: pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state
consummate :: complete
contentious :: quarrelsome
contiguous :: adjacent to; touching upon
contingent :: conditional
contrite :: penitent
contumacious :: disobedient; resisting authority
conversant :: familiar with
convivial :: festive; gay; characterized by joviality
copious :: plentiful
corporeal :: bodily; material
corpulent :: very fat
corrosive :: eating away by chemicals or disease
cosmic :: pertaining to the universe; vast
covert :: secret; hidden; implied
covetous :: avaricious; eagerly desirous of
coy :: shy; modest; coquettish
crabbed :: sour; peevish
crass :: very unrefined; grossly insensible
craven :: cowardly
crestfallen :: dejected; dispirited
cryptic :: mysterious; hidden; secret
culinary :: relating to cooking
cursory :: casual; hastily done
dank :: damp
culpable :: deserving blame
dauntless :: bold
debonair :: friendly; aiming to please
deciduous :: falling of as of leaves
decorous :: proper
decrepit :: worn out by age
deducible :: derived by reasoning
defeatist :: attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome
definitive :: final; complete
defunct :: dead; no longer in use or existence
deleterious :: harmful
delusive :: deceptive; raising vain hopes
demoniac :: fiendish
demure :: grave; serious; coy
deprecatory :: disapproving
deranged :: insane
derelict :: abandoned
derogatory :: expressing a low opinion
despicable :: contemptible
destitute :: extremely poor
desultory :: aimless; jumping around
devious :: going astray; erratic
devoid :: lacking
devout :: pious
dexterous :: skillful
diabolical :: devilish
diaphanous :: sheer; transparent
digressive :: wandering away from the subject
dilatory :: delaying
dire :: disastrous
discernible :: distinguishable; perceivable
discerning :: mentally quick and observant; having insight
disconsolate :: sad
discordant :: inharmonious; conflicting
discrete :: separate; unconnected
discursive :: digressing; rambling
disheveled :: untidy
disingenuous :: not naive; sophisticated
disinterested :: unprejudiced
disjointed :: disconnected
disparate :: basically different; unrelated
dispirited :: lacking in spirit
disputatious :: argumentative; fond of argument
dissolute :: loose in morals
distrait :: absentminded
distraught :: upset; distracted by anxiety
diurnal :: daily
divers :: several; differing
diverse :: differing in some characteristics; various
docile :: obedient; easily managed
dogmatic :: positive; arbitrary
dolorous :: sorrowful
dormant :: sleeping; lethargic; torpid
dorsal :: relating to the back of an animal
doughty :: courageous
dour :: sullen; stubborn
droll :: queer and amusing
dubious :: doubtful
earthy :: unrefined; coarse
ebullient :: showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm
ecclesiastic :: pertaining to the church
eerie :: weird
effectual :: efficient
effeminate :: having womanly traits
effete :: worn out; exhausted; barren
efflorescent :: flowering
effulgent :: brilliantly radiant
effusive :: pouring forth; gushing
egregious :: gross; shocking
elegiacal :: like an elegy; mournful
elusive :: evasive; baffling; hard to grasp
elusory :: tending to deceive expectations; elusive
emaciated :: thin and wasted
eminent :: high; lofty
enamored :: in love
encomiastic :: praising; eulogistic
ephemeral :: short-lived; fleeting
equable :: tranquil; steady; uniform
equivocal :: doubtful; ambiguous
errant :: wandering
erudite :: learned; scholarly
esoteric :: known only to the chosen few
estranged :: separated
ethereal :: light; heavenly; fine
ethnic :: relating to races
eulogistic :: praising
euphonious :: pleasing in sound
evanescent :: fleeting; vanishing
evasive :: not frank; eluding
execrable :: very bad
exemplary :: serving as a model; outstanding
exiguous :: small; minute
exorbitant :: excessive
exotic :: not native; strange
expeditiously :: rapidly and efficiently
extant :: still in existence
extemporaneous :: not planned; impromptu
extraneous :: not essential; external
extrinsic :: external; not inherent; foreign
exuberant :: abundant; effusive; lavish
facetious :: humorous; jocular
facile :: easy; expert
factious :: inclined to form factions; causing dissension
factitious :: artificial; sham
fain :: gladly
fallacious :: misleading
fallible :: liable to err
fallow :: plowed but not sowed; uncultivated
fancied :: imagined; unreal
fanciful :: whimsical; visionary
fantastic :: unreal; grotesque; whimsical
fastidious :: difficult to please; squeamish
fatuous :: foolish; inane
fawning :: courting favor by cringing and flattering
feasible :: practical
felicitous :: apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
fell :: cruel; deadly
fervent :: ardent; hot
fervid :: ardent
fetid :: malodorous
fickle :: changeable; faithless
fictitious :: imaginary
filial :: pertaining to a son daughter
finicky :: too particular; fussy
finite :: limited
fitful :: spasmodic; intermittent
flaccid :: flabby
flagging :: weak; drooping
flagrant :: conspicuously wicked
flamboyant :: ornate
fledgling :: inexperienced
florid :: flowery; ruddy
foolhardy :: rash
foppish :: vain about dress and appearance
forensic :: suitable to debate or courts of law
formidable :: menacing; threatening
fortuitous :: accidental; by chance
fractious :: unruly
frantic :: wild
fraudulent :: cheating; deceitful
fraught :: filled
frenetic :: frenzied; frantic
frenzied :: madly excited
frigid :: intensely cold
frolicsome :: prankish; gay
froward :: disobedient; perverse; stubborn
frowzy :: slovenly; unkempt; dirty
fulsome :: disgustingly excessive
funereal :: sad; solemn
furtive :: stealthy
fustian :: pompous; bombastic
garbled :: mixed up; based on false or unfair selection
garish :: gaudy
genteel :: well-bred; elegant
germane :: pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand
ghastly :: horrible
glib :: fluent
glossy :: smooth and shining
glutinous :: sticky; viscous
gluttonous :: greedy for food
gnarled :: twisted
gory :: bloody
gossamer :: sheer; like cobwebs
hazardous :: dangerous
hazy :: slightly obscure
heedless :: not noticing; disregarding
heinous :: atrocious; hatefully bad
heterogeneous :: dissimilar
hibernal :: wintry
hindmost :: furthest behind
hirsute :: hairy
histrionic :: theatrical
hoary :: white with age
homespun :: domestic; made at home
homogeneous :: of the same kind
horticultural :: pertaining to cultivation of gardens
humane :: kind
humdrum :: dull; monotonous
humid :: damp
hypercritical :: excessively exacting
hypocritical :: pretending to be virtuous; deceiving
hypothetical :: based on assumptions or hypotheses
iconoclastic :: attacking cherished traditions
igneous :: produced by fire; volcanic
ignoble :: of lowly origin; unworthy
ignominious :: disgraceful
illimitable :: infinite
immaculate :: pure; spotless
imminent :: impending; near at hand
immune :: exempt
immutable :: unchangeable
impassive :: without feeling; not affected by pain
impeccable :: faultless
impecunious :: without money
impending :: nearing; approaching
impenitent :: not repentant
imperious :: domineering
impermeable :: impervious; not permitting passage through its substance
impertinent :: insolent
impervious :: not penetrable; not permitting passage through
impetuous :: violent; hasty; rash
impious :: irreverent
implacable :: incapable of being pacified
implicit :: understood but not stated
impolitic :: not wise
impregnable :: invulnerable
impromptu :: without previous preparation
improvident :: thriftless
inalienable :: not to be taken away; nontransferable
inane :: silly; senseless
inanimate :: lifeless
inarticulate :: speechless; producing indistinct speech
incarnate :: endowed with flesh; personified
incessant :: uninterrupted
inchoate :: recently begun; rudimentary; elementary
incipient :: beginning; in an early stage
incisive :: cutting; sharp
inclement :: stormy; unkind
inclusive :: tending to include all
incognito :: with identity concealed; using an assumed name
incommodious :: not spacious
incompatible :: inharmonious
inconsequential :: of trifling significance
incontrovertible :: indisputable
incorporeal :: immaterial; without a material body
incorrigible :: uncorrectable
indefatigable :: tireless
indigenous :: native
indigent :: poor
indisputable :: too certain to be disputed
indomitable :: unconquerable
indubitably :: beyond a doubt
indulgent :: humoring; yielding; lenient
ineffable :: unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech
inept :: unsuited; absurd; incompetent
inexorable :: relentless; unyielding; implacable
infallible :: unerring
infamous :: notoriously bad
infinitesimal :: very small
inflated :: enlarged with air or gas
ingenuous :: naive; young; unsophisticated
inherent :: firmly established by nature or habit
inimical :: unfriendly; hostile
iniquitous :: unjust; wicked
innate :: inborn
innocuous :: harmless
inordinate :: unrestrained; excessive
insatiable :: not easily satisfied; greedy
inscrutable :: incomprehensible; not to be discovered
insensate :: without feeling
insidious :: treacherous; stealthy; sly
insipid :: tasteless; dull
insolent :: haughty and contemptuous
insular :: like an island; narrow-minded
insuperable :: insurmountable; invincible
insurgent :: rebellious
interminable :: endless
intermittent :: periodic; on and off
intransigent :: refusing any compromise
intrepid :: fearless
intrinsic :: belonging to a thing in itself; inherent
introvert :: inclined to think more about oneself
inured :: accustomed; hardened
inverse :: opposite
inveterate :: deep-rooted; habitual
invidious :: designed to create ill will or envy
invulnerable :: incapable of injury
irascible :: irritable; easily angered
iridescent :: exhibiting rainbowlike colors
ironical :: resulting in an unexpected and contrary manner
irreconcilable :: incompatible; not able to be resolved
irrelevant :: not applicable; unrelated
irremediable :: incurable; uncorrectable
irreparable :: not able to be corrected or repaired
irreverent :: lacking proper respect
irrevocable :: unalterable
itinerant :: wandering; traveling
jaded :: fatigued; surfeited
jaundiced :: yellowed; prejudiced; envious
jocose :: giving to joking
jocular :: said or done in jest
jocund :: merry
judicious :: wise; determined by sound judgment
lackadaisical :: affectedly languid
laconic :: brief and to the point
laggard :: slow; sluggish
lambent :: flickering; softly radiant
laminated :: made of thin plates or scales
languid :: weary; sluggish; listless
lascivious :: lustful
latent :: dormant; hidden
lateral :: coming from the side
laudatory :: expressing praise
lavish :: liberal; wasteful
lecherous :: impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste
lethal :: deadly
lethargic :: drowsy; dull
lewd :: lustful
libelous :: defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person
libidinous :: lustful
licentious :: wanton; lewd; dissolute
limpid :: clear
linguistic :: pertaining to language
lithe :: flexible; supple
livid :: lead-colored; black and blue; enraged
loath :: averse; reluctant
loquacious :: talkative
lucent :: shining
lucid :: bright; easily understood
lucrative :: profitable
lugubrious :: mournful
luminous :: shining; issuing light
lunar :: pertaining to the moon
lurid :: wild; sensational
luscious :: pleasing to taste or smell
lustrous :: shining
luxuriant :: fertile; abundant; ornate
macabre :: gruesome; grisly
Machiavellian :: crafty; double-dealing
magnanimous :: generous
magniloquent :: boastful; pompous
malevolent :: wishing evil
malicious :: dictated by hatred or spite
malignant :: having an evil influence; virulent
malleable :: capable of being shaped by pounding
mammoth :: gigantic
mandatory :: obligatory
maniacal :: raving mad
manifest :: understandable; clear
marital :: pertaining to marriage
maritime :: bordering on the sea; nautical
martial :: warlike
maternal :: motherly
maudlin :: effusively sentimental
mauve :: pale purple
meddlesome :: interfering
mediocre :: ordinary; commonplace
mellifluous :: flowing smoothly; smooth
mendacious :: lying; false
menial :: suitable for servants; low
mercantile :: concerning trade
mercenary :: interested in money or gain
mercurial :: fickle; changing
meretricious :: flashy; tawdry
metallurgical :: pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores
metaphysical :: pertaining to speculative philosophy
meticulous :: excessively careful
migrant :: changing its habitat; wandering
migratory :: wandering
mincing :: affectedly dainty
mobile :: movable; not fixed
modish :: fashionable
molten :: melted
momentous :: very important
monetary :: pertaining to money
monotheism :: belief in one God
moot :: debatable
morbid :: given to unwholesome thought; gloomy
mordant :: biting; sarcastic; stinging
moribund :: at the point of death
morose :: ill-humored; sullen
motley :: parti-colored; mixed
muggy :: warm and damp
multiform :: having many forms
multilingual :: having many languages
mundane :: worldly as opposed to spiritual
munificent :: very generous
musky :: having the odor of musk
musty :: stale; spoiled by age
mutable :: changing in form; fickle
mutinous :: unruly; rebellious
natal :: pertaining to birth
nebulous :: cloudy; hazy
nefarious :: very wicked
niggardly :: meanly stingy; parsimonious
nocturnal :: done at night
noisome :: foul smelling; unwholesome
nomadic :: wandering
noncommittal :: neutral; unpledged; undecided
notorious :: outstandingly bad; unfavorably known
noxious :: harmful
nugatory :: futile; worthless
nutrient :: providing nourishment
obdurate :: stubborn
obese :: fat
oblique :: slanting; deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line
obnoxious :: offensive
obsequious :: slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic
obsolete :: outmoded
obtrusive :: pushing toward
obtuse :: blunt; stupid
occult :: mysterious; secret; supernatural
odious :: hateful
odoriferous :: giving off an order
odorous :: having an odor
officious :: meddlesome; excessively trying to please
olfactory :: concerning the sense of smell
ominous :: threatening
omnipotent :: all-powerful
omniscient :: all-knowing
omnivorous :: eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything
onerous :: burdensome
opalescent :: iridescent
opaque :: dark; not transparent
opportune :: timely; well chosen
opprobrious :: disgraceful
ornate :: excessively decorated; highly decorated
ostensible :: apparent; professed; pretended
ostentatious :: showy; pretentious
overt :: open to view
palatable :: agreeable; pleasing to the taste
palatial :: magnificent
pallid :: pale; wan
palpable :: tangible; easily perceptible
paltry :: insignificant; petty
parsimonious :: stingy; excessively frugal
passive :: not active; acted upon
pastoral :: rural
patent :: open for the public to read; obvious
pathetic :: causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching
pecuniary :: pertaining to money
pedantic :: showing off learning; bookish
pell-mell :: in confusion; disorderly
pellucid :: transparent; limpid; easy to understand
pendant :: hanging down from something
pendent :: suspended; jutting; pending
penitent :: repentant
pensive :: dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness
penurious :: stingy; parsimonious
peremptory :: demanding and leaving no choice
perennial :: lasting
perfidious :: basely false
perforce :: of necessity
perfunctory :: superficial; listless; not thorough
peripatetic :: walking about; moving
permeable :: porous; allowing passage through
pernicious :: very destructive
perpetual :: everlasting
perspicacious :: having insight; penetrating; astute
pert :: impertinent; forward
pertinacious :: stubborn; persistent
pertinent :: suitable; to the point
perverse :: stubborn; intractable
pervious :: penetrable
pestilential :: causing plague; baneful
petulant :: touchy; peevish
phlegmatic :: calm; not easily disturbed
pied :: variegated; multicolored
pious :: devout
piquant :: pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating
piscatorial :: pertaining to fishing
pithy :: concise; meaty
placid :: peaceful; calm
plaintive :: mournful
plauditory :: approving; applauding
plebeian :: common; pertaining to the common people
plenary :: complete; full
plenipotentiary :: fully empowered
plumb :: checking perpendicularity; vertical
poignant :: keen; piercing; severe
politic :: expedient; prudent; well devised
polyglot :: speaking several languages
portentous :: ominous; serious
portly :: stately; stout
posthumous :: after death
potential :: expressing possibility; latent
practicable :: feasible
practical :: based on experience; useful
pragmatic :: practical; concerned with practical values
precarious :: uncertain; risky
precedent :: preceding in time, rank, etc.
precipitate :: headlong; rash
precipitous :: steep
precocious :: developed ahead of time
predatory :: plundering
preeminent :: outstanding; superior
prefatory :: introductory
preposterous :: absurd; ridiculous
pretentious :: ostentatious; ambitious
prim :: very precise and formal; exceedingly proper
primordial :: existing at the beginning of time; rudimentary
pristine :: characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled
privy :: secret; hidden; not public
prodigal :: wasteful; reckless with money
prodigious :: marvelous; enormous
profligate :: dissipated; wasteful; licentious
prolific :: abundantly fruitful
prolix :: verbose; drawn out
promiscuous :: mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular
prone :: inclined to; prostrate
propitious :: favorable; kindly
propulsive :: driving forward
prosaic :: commonplace; dull
provident :: displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies
prurient :: based on lascivious thoughts
puerile :: childish
pugnacious :: combative; disposed to fight
puissant :: powerful; strong; potent
pulmonary :: pertaining to the lungs
punctilious :: laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; precise
pungent :: stinging; caustic
punitive :: punishing
puny :: insignificant; tiny; weak
pusillanimous :: cowardly; fainthearted
putrid :: foul; rotten; decayed
querulous :: fretful; whining
quiescent :: at rest; dormant
quixotic :: idealistic but impractical
quizzical :: bantering; comical; humorously serious
rabid :: like a fanatic; furious
rampant :: rearing up on hind legs; unrestrained
rancid :: having the odor of stale fat
rapacious :: excessively grasping; plundering
rarefied :: made less dense of a gas
raucous :: harsh and shrill
ravening :: rapacious; seeking prey
ravenous :: extremely hungry
recalcitrant :: obstinately stubborn
reciprocal :: mutual; exchangeable; interacting
recondite :: abstruse; profound; secret
recumbent :: reclining; lying down completely or in part
recurrent :: occurring again and again
redolent :: fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor
redoubtable :: formidable; causing fear
redundant :: superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitious
refractory :: stubborn; unmanageable
refulgent :: radiant
regal :: royal
remediable :: reparable
remedial :: curative; corrective
remiss :: negligent
remunerative :: compensating; rewarding
reparable :: capable of being repaired
repellent :: driving away; unattractive
replete :: filled to capacity; abundantly supplied
reprehensible :: deserving blame
resonant :: echoing; resounding; possessing resonance
resplendent :: brilliant; lustrous
restive :: unmanageable; fretting under control
retentive :: holding; having a good memory
retroactive :: of a law which dates back to a period before its enactment
retrograde :: going backwards; degenerating
rheumy :: pertaining to a discharge from nose and eyes
ribald :: wanton; profane
rife :: abundant; current
risible :: inclined to laugh; ludicrous
risqué :: verging upon the improper; off-color
roan :: brown mixed with gray or white
robust :: vigorous; strong
rococo :: ornate; highly decorated
roseate :: rosy; optimistic
rubicund :: having a healthy reddish color; ruddy; florid
ruddy :: reddish; healthy-looking
rudimentary :: not developed; elementary
rueful :: regretful; sorrowful; dejected
ruthless :: pitiless
sacerdotal :: priestly
sacrilegious :: desecrating; profane
sacrosanct :: most sacred; inviolable
sadistic :: inclined to cruelty
saffron :: orange-colored; colored like the autumn crocus
sagacious :: keen; shrewd; having insight
salient :: prominent
saline :: salty
sallow :: yellowish; sickly in color
salubrious :: healthful
salutary :: tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome
sanguinary :: bloody
sanguine :: cheerful; hopeful
sapid :: savory; tasty; relishable
sapient :: wise; shrewd
sardonic :: disdainful; sarcastic; cynical
saturnine :: gloomy
scrupulous :: conscientious; extremely thorough
scurrilous :: obscene; indecent
sebaceous :: oily; fatty
secular :: worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal
sedate :: composed; grave
sedentary :: requiring sitting
sedulous :: diligent
sensual :: devoted to the pleasures of the senses; carnal; voluptuous
sententious :: terse; concise; aphoristic
serrated :: having a saw-toothed edge
servile :: slavish; cringing
shoddy :: sham; not genuine; inferior
sidereal :: relating to the stars
simian :: monkeylike
sinister :: evil
sinuous :: winding; bending in and out; not morally honest
skittish :: lively; frisky
sleazy :: flimsy; unsubstantial
slovenly :: untidy; careless in work habits
solicitous :: worried; concerned
solvent :: able to pay all debts
somnolent :: half asleep
sonorous :: resonant
spasmodic :: fitful; periodic
spatial :: relating to space
specious :: seemingly reasonable but incorrect
spectral :: ghostly
splenetic :: spiteful; irritable; peevish
sporadic :: occurring irregularly
sportive :: playful
spurious :: false; counterfeit
squalid :: dirty; neglected; poor
stagnant :: motionless; stale; dull
staid :: sober; sedate
stellar :: pertaining to the stars
stentorian :: extremely loud
stolid :: dull; impassive
striated :: marked with parallel bands
strident :: loud and harsh
stringent :: binding; rigid
sublime :: exalted; noble; uplifting
sub rosa :: in strict confidence; privately
subsequent :: following; later
subservient :: behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious
subsidiary :: subordinate; secondary
subversive :: tending to overthrow or ruin
succinct :: brief; terse; compact
succulent :: juicy; full of richness
sultry :: sweltering
sumptuous :: lavish; rich
sundry :: various; several
superannuated :: retired on pension because of age
supercilious :: contemptuous; haughty
superficial :: trivial; shallow
supine :: lying on back
suppliant :: entreating; beseeching
supposititious :: assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
surly :: rude; cross
surreptitious :: secret
sycophantic :: servilely flattering
sylvan :: pertaining to the woods; rustic
synchronous :: similarly timed; simultaneous with
synthetic :: artificial; resulting from synthesis
tacit :: understood; not put into words
taciturn :: habitually silent; talking little
tactile :: pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
tainted :: contaminated; corrupt
tautological :: needlessly repetitious
tawdry :: cheap and gaudy
temporal :: not lasting forever; limited by time; secular
tenacious :: holding fast
tentative :: provisional; experimental
tenuous :: thin; rare; slim
tepid :: lukewarm
terrestrial :: on the earth
terse :: concise; abrupt; pithy
tertiary :: third
testy :: irritable; short-tempered
therapeutic :: curative
thermal :: pertaining to heat
titanic :: gigantic
titular :: nominal holding of title without obligations
torpid :: dormant; dull; lethargic
tortuous :: winding; full of curves
touchy :: sensitive; irascible
toxic :: poisonous
tractable :: docile
transient :: fleeting; quickly passing away; staying for a short time
translucent :: partly transparent
transparent :: permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected
tremulous :: trembling; wavering
trenchant :: cutting; keen
trite :: hackneyed; commonplace
truculent :: aggressive; savage
tumid :: swollen; pompous; bombastic
turbid :: muddy; having the sediment disturbed
turgid :: swollen; distended
ubiquitous :: being everywhere; omnipresent
ulterior :: situated beyond; unstated
ultimate :: final; not susceptible to further analysis
unassuaged :: unsatisfied; not soothed
unassuming :: modest
unbridled :: violent
uncanny :: strange; mysterious
unconscionable :: unscrupulous; excessive
uncouth :: outlandish; clumsy; boorish
unctuous :: oily; bland; insincerely suave
unearthly :: not earthly; weird
unequivocal :: plain; obvious
unfaltering :: steadfast
unfeigned :: genuine; real
ungainly :: awkward
unimpeachable :: blameless and exemplary
unique :: without an equal; single in kind
unkempt :: disheveled; with uncared for appearance
unmitigated :: harsh; severe; not lightened
unruly :: disobedient; lawless
unseemly :: unbecoming; indecent
unsullied :: untarnished
untenable :: unsupportable
unwitting :: unintentional; not knowing
unwonted :: unaccustomed
urbane :: suave; refined; elegant
uxorious :: excessively devoted to one's wife
vacuous :: empty; inane
vainglorious :: boastful; excessively conceited
vapid :: insipid; inane
variegated :: many-colored
vaunted :: boasted; bragged; highly publicized
vehement :: impetuous; with marked vigor
venal :: capable of being bribed
venerable :: deserving high respect
venial :: forgivable; trivial
ventral :: abdominal
venturous :: daring
veracious :: truthful
verbose :: wordy
verdant :: green; fresh
vernal :: pertaining to spring
versatile :: having many talents; capable of working in many fields
vicarious :: acting as a substitute; done by a deputy
vindictive :: revengeful
virile :: manly
virulent :: extremely poisonous
viscid :: sticky; adhesive
viscous :: sticky; gluey
visionary :: produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical
vitriolic :: corrosive; sarcastic
vituperative :: abusive; scolding
vivacious :: animated; gay
vociferous :: clamorous; noisy
volatile :: evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial
voluble :: fluent; glib
voluptuous :: gratifying the senses
voracious :: ravenous
vying :: contending
waggish :: mischievous; humorous; tricky
wan :: having a pale or sickly color; pallid
wanton :: unruly; unchaste; excessive
wary :: very cautious
whimsical :: capricious; fanciful; quaint
wily :: cunning; artful
winsome :: agreeable; gracious; engaging
witless :: foolish; idiotic
wizened :: withered; shriveled
worldly :: engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual
abysmal :: bottomless
acephalous :: headless
adulterated :: made impure or spoiled by the addition of inferior materials
affable :: courteous
afferent :: carrying toward the center
agrarian :: pertaining to land or its cultivation
amoral :: nonmoral
analgesic :: causing insensitivity to pain
anthropomorphic :: having human form or characteristics
apocalyptic :: prophetic; pertaining to revelations
apropos :: with reference to; properly
aseptic :: preventing putrefaction or blood poisoning by killing bacteria
auroral :: pertaining to the aurora borealis
beholden :: obligated; indebted
bestial :: beastlike; brutal
bifurcated :: divided into two branches; forked
blasé :: bored with pleasure or dissipation
boorish :: rude; clownish
brackish :: somewhat saline
brindled :: tawny or grayish with streaks or spots
callow :: unfledged; youthful
capillary :: having a very fine bore
centripetal :: tending toward the center
colloquial :: pertaining to conversational or common speech
comatose :: in a coma; extremely sleepy
convoluted :: coiled around; involved; intricate
crepuscular :: pertaining to twilight
crotchety :: eccentric; whimsical
cursive :: flowing, running
décolleté :: having a low-necked dress
degraded :: lowered in rank; debased
deliquescent :: capable of absorbing moisture from the air and becoming liquid
demotic :: pertaining to the people
didactic :: teaching; instructional
dispassionate :: calm; impartial
distaff :: female
doddering :: shaky; infirm from old age
dulcet :: sweet sounding
dynamic :: active; efficient
embryonic :: undeveloped; rudimentary
emeritus :: retired but retained in an honorary capacity
empirical :: based on experience
empyreal :: celestial; fiery
endemic :: prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area
enigmatic :: obscure; puzzling
equitable :: fair; impartial
erotic :: pertaining to passionate love
eugenic :: pertaining to the improvement of race
ex officio :: by virtue of one's office
explicit :: definite; open
febrile :: feverish
fiduciary :: pertaining to a position of trust
fluted :: having vertical parallel grooves (as in a pillar)
fulgent :: beaming; radiant
garrulous :: loquacious; wordy
gauche :: clumsy; boorish
generic :: characteristic of a class or species
germinal :: pertaining to a germ; creative
hermetically :: sealed by fusion so as to be airtight
hortatory :: encouraging
hyperborean :: situated in extreme north; arctic; cold
idiosyncratic :: private; peculiar to an individual
illusive :: deceiving
impalpable :: imperceptible; intangible
imperturbable :: calm; placid
imponderable :: weightless
importunate :: urging; demanding
impotent :: weak; ineffective
incongruous :: not fitting; absurd
incontinent :: lacking self-restraint; licentious
incredulous :: withholding belief; skeptical
inductive :: pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general
ineluctable :: irresistible; not to be escaped
insouciant :: indifferent; without concern or care
interlocutory :: conversational; intermediate, not final
internecine :: mutually destructive
intractable :: unruly; refractory
irksome :: repetitious; tedious
irrefragable :: not to be disproved; indisputable
jejune :: lacking interest; barren; meager
kinetic :: producing motion
lachrymose :: producing tears
laudable :: praiseworthy; commendable
lissome :: agile; lithe
ludicrous :: laughable; trifling
maladroit :: clumsy; bungling
manifold :: numerous; varied
mawkish :: sickening; insipid
militant :: combative; bellicose
minatory :: threatening
morganatic :: describing a marriage between a member of a royal family and a commone
myopic :: nearsighted
nascent :: incipient; coming into being
nautical :: pertaining to ships or navigation
neap :: lowest
nubile :: marriageable
obligatory :: binding; required
obstreperous :: boisterous; noisy
omnipresent :: universally present; ubiquitous
optimum :: most favorable
orotund :: having a round, resonant quality; inflated speech
overweening :: presumptuous; arrogant
parlous :: dangerous; perilous
passé :: old-fashioned; past the prime
pathological :: pertaining to disease
pejorative :: having a deteriorating or depreciating effect on the meaning of a word
pendulous :: hanging; suspended
pennate :: having wings or feathers
personable :: attractive
perspicuous :: plainly expressed
pharisaical :: pertaining to the Pharisees; self-righteous; hypocritical
physiological :: pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms
picaresque :: pertaining to rogues in literature
piebald :: mottled; spotted
plangent :: plaintive; resounding sadly
platonic :: purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire
plausible :: having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious
postprandial :: after dinner
potable :: suitable for drinking
prehensile :: capable of grasping or holding
premonitory :: serving to warn
prognathous :: having projecting jaws
prophylactic :: used to prevent disease
provincial :: pertaining to a province; limited
psychopathic :: pertaining to mental derangement
purblind :: dim-sighted; obtuse
putative :: supposed; reputed
queasy :: easily nauseated; squeamish
reactionary :: recoiling from progress; retrograde
recherché :: choice, sought after; rare
resilient :: elastic; having the power of springing back
resurgent :: rising again after defeat, etc.
reticulated :: covered with a network; having the appearance of a mesh
rustic :: pertaining to country people; uncouth
saltatory :: relating to leaping
sanctimonious :: displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness
sartorial :: pertaining to tailors
sensuous :: pertaining to the physical senses; operating through the senses
septic :: putrid; producing putrefaction
sequacious :: eager to follow; ductile
serried :: standing shoulder to shoulder; crowded
sibylline :: prophetic; oracular
simpering :: smirking
somatic :: pertaining to the body; physical
sophomoric :: immature; shallow
staccato :: played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound
stalwart :: strong, brawny; steadfast
statutory :: created by statute or legislative action
stereotyped :: fixed and unvarying representation
stertorous :: having a snoring sound
stilted :: bombastic; inflated
suave :: smooth; bland
subjective :: occurring or taking place within the subject; unreal
subliminal :: below the threshold
substantive :: essential; pertaining to the substance
sudorific :: pertaining to perspiration
sumptuary :: limiting or regulating expenditures
supernal :: heavenly; celestial
supple :: flexible; pliant
tantamount :: equal
taut :: tight; ready
temerarious :: rash
tendentious :: having an aim; designed to further a cause
tenebrous :: dark; gloomy
tessellated :: inlaid; mosaic
timorous :: fearful; demonstrating fear
traumatic :: pertaining to an injury caused by violence
tutelary :: protective; pertaining to a guardianship
unilateral :: one-sided
untoward :: unfortunate; annoying
ursine :: bearlike; pertaining to a bear
valedictory :: pertaining to farewell
verbatim :: word for word
vermicular :: pertaining to a worm
vertiginous :: giddy; causing dizziness
viable :: capable of maintaining life
vitreous :: pertaining to or resembling glass
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