Sunday, December 19, 2010

top brands 87-88-89

United States Consumer Electronics===Motorola

Motorola has lost its category leadership position. Through a lack of innovation and growth into new segments, the brand is in serious decline. While innovative new products from Apple, Samsung, Nokia, and BlackBerry tap into fast-changing consumer needs, Motorola has been left behind and has seen its 2007 self-claimed 14% market share erode further. With the business due to be split into two divisions, time will tell if the changes can lead to a sharper focus.

United States Consumer Electronics===The Duracell

The Duracell bunny just keeps on going, albeit without spectacular ascent. With many gadgets now favoring rechargeable lithium batteries, you’d be forgiven for thinking the market is shrinking. But driven by demand in developing markets, particularly in Latin America, where distribution has been vastly increased, the brand has built on the gains made last year.

United Kingdom Alcohol===Smirnoff 

Smirnoff has continued to be the worldwide vodka of choice, with sales steadily growing in all markets, particularly the US. The launch of Smirnoff Ice Light is appealing to a more health-conscious female market and builds on the success of its vodka-based alcopops range. The brand has been engaging with consumers in new ways of late, making the most of interactive media such as blogs and video to appeal to younger drinkers, and building up a long list of action-movies where its products have been placed.

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