Friday, November 26, 2010

top brands 37-38-39

United States financial Services===JP Morgan

Despite having an innovative and more diversified business than many of its direct competitors, JP Morgan has still suffered at the hands of the US credit crunch. Along with a fall in overall performance, earnings per share fell 49%. Compared to the competitors, however, JP Morgan was not viewed as carrying as much risk and therefore did not suffer as much damage to its reputation.

United States Financial Services===Goldman Sachs
Even Goldman Sachs proved vulnerable to the economic turmoil in the US, especially in credit markets. Its shares were down a significant percentage from the previous year and it was forced to write off over $2 billion. Yet, the firm’s ability to manage its risks and still have time for philanthropy has kept it in people’s good books. Despite a fall, it has done better than many of its rivals and has actually strengthened its brand in relative terms.

United States Food===Kellogg’s

The Kellogg’s brand continues to thrive, both in the US and overseas. The greater public awareness of healthy eating has put pressure on some of its higher salt and sugar content products, and the way its children’s products are marketed. This has been cleverly offset by a big push behind the benefits of its more healthy brands, such as Special K. Kellogg’s has vowed to reformulate many of its flagship brands to healthier recipes and meet self-imposed health standards over the next year and a half. Its healthy agenda was also supported by its purchase of Bear Naked – the second-biggest maker of granola behind Quakers in the US – a brand bursting with health benefits.

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