Saturday, November 27, 2010

top brands 55-56-57

France Financial Services===AXA

Although its making some strategic acquisitions in relatively stable emerging markets, AXA has not been immune to negative market conditions. Market sentiment has dented its share price and a series of blunders led to clients being reimbursed for poor management of their accounts, all at a time when consumer trust in the US financial sector is at an historic low.

 United States Food===Heinz

With sales struggling, Heinz has embarked on an awareness drive, supported by some innovative products (it is planning to launch 100 new lines around the world this year). The continued success of the brand is driven by growth in emerging markets, particularly in Russia, India, China, Indonesia, and Poland.

United States Personal Care===Colgate

 Colgate’s brand growth this year can be attributed to an increase in advertising spend, resulting in exceptional sales growth. New products have been successfully launched, both in the US and internationally. The launches have been supported by fully integrated campaigns that make the most of online interactivity to engage with consumers

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