Thursday, November 25, 2010

top brands 28-29-30

Switzerland Beverages====Nescafe

Nescafe has benefited from the increase in demand for premium coffees, with its “Connoisseur Coffee” range and cafĂ© style coffees performing particularly well. It has taken on the role of educating the public on the health benefits of coffee and is beginning to engage and expand its customer base with online media.

United States Sporting Goods===Nike

Despite increased competition from Adidas, Nike remains the world’s #1 sports brand. Smart partnerships are never far away from Nike. It teamed up with Apple to launch an innovative MP3 player/sneaker for runners and it’s making further inroads with emerging markets – helped, no doubt, by its sponsorship of China in the Beijing Olympics. Along with the successful launch of women’s innerware, Nike has been expanding its direct-to-consumer business, which it believes will continue to grow. Also online, the brand launched interactive consumer concepts like Nike ID and Nike + , creating an online buzz about the brand and new ways for fans to interact with it.

United States Transportation===UPS

Responding to the downturn in the US economy, UPS expanded its online, supply chain, and freight services. International markets are playing an increased role, with UPS focusing on building strategic assets in China and India. The most profitable company in its sector, it is continuing to gain ground through aggressive marketing such as sponsorship of the Beijing Olympics and some major US ad campaigns

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